Tom Evans
We are not suits. Clients are our friends. We fight for them. No matter what.
Picking the wrong maritime lawyer can be like drowning in a bath tub of salt water.But salt water runs through my veins. Being born in Seattle, My first salt water job as a longshoreman and ILWU membership starting at age 16. This was long before containerization and when longshoreman carried steel hooks for grabbing boxes, and the entire waterfront was controlled by the ILWU. I walked picket lines during strikes and learned what living without a wage means.I beame a lawyer after seeing what employer union busting looked like and how marine employers out-gunned and out lawyerd workers in negotiations. I worked my way through law school, made law review and was fortunate enough to work briefly with Senator Warren Magnuson, chair of the U.S. Senate Commerce Committee. When it became time to start a private practice I went back to my saltwater roots and started by representing persons working on huge factory trawler boats just as the Bering Sea bottom fish industry was starting. All of the fish companies were treating processors, below deck workers, and about every position except in the wheelhouse, as non-seaman unentitled to the benefits of Federal Law, Jones Act and General Maritime law. So, I brought suit in District Court, Donna Wells v. Artic Alaska and won a ruling, regardless of their work status, a maritime worker contributing to the mission and function of a vessel, including processors etc.are protected by Fedderal law and to be treated as seamen.This resulted in benefits to thousands of workers who had little to no benefits for injury, except occasionally workers comp. Years later I brought and won a class action on behalf of some 8,000 Alaska workers compensation workers who were actually Federal seamen
I am the founding partner of INJURY AT SEA, we only do maritime injury. I have personally practiced maritime injury law for over 43 years. For me, its all about and only about helping an individual. We are not suits looking for the next big brag.
- Maritime Law
Free Consultation
We are available, toll free, 24/7 by phone ( 1 800 SEASALT)(1-800-7327258) or personal cell: 1-206-499-8000, or email tom@maritimeinjury.com kelsey@maritimeinjury.com for free no charge, consultation. If you would like a preliminary investigation into your case before committing to retainer contract, we will do that as well for appropriate cases. For more information check out our web sites at: maritimeinjury.com injuryatsea.com -
Contingent Fees
Our fees are negotiable depending on the strength/weakness of the case and we are open to reduced fees for stronger cases. -
Rates, Retainers and Additional Information
We advance all costs necessary to pursue your case so at no time are you paying anything out of pocket. If your case requires bringing you to a courthouse or law office for legal proceedings those costs, including air travel, hotel stay, living expense are advanced by us as well. Same thing for medical exams or treatment if further testing, a better medical provider, or more sophisticated treatment is required.
- Washington
- 9th Circuit
- All State Courts in the Washington State
- U.S. Supreme Court
- English: Spoken, Written
- French: Spoken, Written
- Of Counsel
- Injury At Sea
- Current
- Current
- University of Washington School of Law
- J.D. (1973)
- Whitman College
- B.A. (1970)
- Honors: Phi Beta Kappa
- Washington State Bar
- Member
- Current
- American Trial Lawyers Association
- Member
- Current
- Washington State Trial Lawyers Association
- Member
- Current
- Maritime Lawyers Section of the State Trial Lawyers
- Member
- Current
- - Current
- Court Sinks Fishboat From Hell
- Washington State Trial News
- Vessel Arrest In Washington, WSTLA, Seattle
- Trial Lawyers
- Practical aspects of vessel arrest in U.S.D.C. including methods, costs, releases.
- Maritime Law - Section Chair
- Washington State Bar Association
- Q. Pleaz can u call me a +33644804944
- A: No, I can't and I wont. Regards
- Q. Can a marina owner move someones boat to another slip without boat owners permission?
- A: This very likely does not involve admiralty or maritime law. Most likely any legal
issue would be a contract question subject to your State law. I recommend you
call a lawyer locally, provide or describe the contract, if any, and look for local lawyers who offer a free initial consultation. If there are multiple lawyers listed free initial consultation you may be able to obtain a reliable answer without cost. Try several if you wish to per the above, Tom Evans Injury At Sea
- Q. Is it legal to dissipate ones assets and terminate ones parental rights and operate during the COVID 19 state shut down?
- A: Sorry, but your question should be directed to a fanily law or domestic relations attorney.