Elizabeth Hervey Osborn
Liz Osborn Law, LLC
Claimed Lawyer Profile
- Not Currently Accepting Clients
Jurisdictions Admitted to Practice
- Colorado
Professional Experience
- Chief Executive Officer
- Anemoment LLC
- - Current
- Direct and Grow tech start-up featuring SWaP-optimized sonic anemometers for gathering data in places before inaccessible.
- Solo Practitioner
- Liz Osborn Law, LLC
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- Help physically and mentally disabled persons obtain the benefits and basic financial footing they deserve.
- Senior Law Clerk
- Colorado 20th Judicial District (Boulder) Courts
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- Assisted the Honorable M. Gwyneth Whalen in domestic, civil, and criminal judicial proceedings.
- Research Assistant
- University of Colorado Law School
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- Research assistant to Professor Clare Huntington.
- Student Clinician
- Unoversity of Colorado Law School Legal Aid Clinic
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- Legal Writing Teaching Assistant
- University of Colorado Law School
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- Assistant to Professor Alan Canner
- University of Colorado - Boulder
- J.D. (2008)
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- Brigham Young University
- B.S. (1987) | Sociology
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- Honors: Cum Laude; Trustee Scholar
- Activities: Research Assistant to Professor Howard Bahr - Sociology; Teaching Assistant - Biology.
- Excellence in Clinical Education Award
- University of Colorado Law School
- Chuck Mau Scholar
- University of Colorado Law School
- Wood Badge
- Boy Scouts of America
- Bernard J. Seeman Award
- University of Colorado Law School
- District Award of Merit
- Boy Scouts of America - Longs Peak Council
- Award for outstanding service to youth at district level.
Professional Associations
- State Bar of Colorado  # 40165
- Member
- Current
- Mountain View Ward - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
- Relief Society President
- - Current
- Activities: Direct women's ministry, including organizing and managing network of 80 women tasked with helping women build physical, financial, emotional, educational, and spiritual well-being.
- National Organization of Social Security Claimants Representatives - NOSSCR
- Sustaining Member
- - Current
- Colorado Bar Association
- Member
- - Current
- Boulder County Bar Association
- Member
- - Current
Articles & Publications
- "Fasting for Shem"
- Friend
- "What Happened to 'Paul's Law"?: Insights on Advocating for Better Training and Better Outcomes in Encounters Between Law Enforcement and Persons with Autism Spectrum Disorders"
- University of Colorado Law Review
- "Ben Obeys"
- Friend
- Priesthood Hands
- Mediation - 40 hour training certificate
- Colorado Bar Association
- Juvenile and Family Law Certificate
- University of Colorado Law School
Social Media
Contact & Map