Shailendra Billore
Milk Food Limited, New Delhi, Delhi-110019,IndiaAdv.Shailendra Billore-(Patiala House Court,High Court,Delhi) is a leading widely recognized 'Defense Advocate' decades-long reputation for challenging Cases;appears before various Courts in India,a record of delivering successful outcomes for 46 Years of experience. Smart, Capable-Advocate who researches thoroughly,Prepares meticulously; and skilled representation before various courts for each case to achieve win outcomes for clients/industries & has earned a reputation as a trusted "Defense Advocate in India". Advocacy demonstrates an impressive strength in depth across handling a broad range of Industrial Legal Case Matters. Consistently handle corporate cases of FSSAI Food legal matters; defending PFA cases for 46 years & best known for incredible expertise; an amazing track record in legal practice. Handled disputes, and argued many cases before Hon'ble Majistrates,Sessions,Tribunal,ADM Courts in various states Delhi,Punjab,Haryana,Rajasthan,UttarPradesh,Himachal Pradesh,Uttrakhand, MadhyaPradesh,Assam,Orissa,Gujrat,Chattisgarh of FSS Legal matters. From Science Background-awarded BSc Degree,MVM,MP & LLB degree from prestigious BU,MP,India. Was College Law Society Member. In1976-Enroll from the Bar Council of Delhi. Prior law, spent time building learning ability in children as a tutor to them & wrote Poems in Diary. At career onset, in Delhi MaternalUncle supported. Received an opportunity to work for 'JK Tyres' but decided to Practice as an Advocate. Worked few months as a Notary Public & also been an Oath Commissioner for Two Years. Real Practice started with Late Shri Ghansham Das & Shri M.K.Gupta-Pioneers of Food Criminal Cases & breakthrough occurred-Lipton Case.Assisted food cases with Shri Vipin Bihari Lal Adv.Handled all types of criminal cases up to murder case MCD,DDA,Pollution,AccidentalClaim,Metrology,civil few. Gave lecture titled Cross Examination by Defence under Food Authority 2008. Best known for win-result in each case-handle as Defence Adv.
- Criminal Law
- Criminal Appeals
- Products Liability
- Toxic Torts
- Appeals & Appellate
Rates, Retainers and Additional Information
Fees-As per the Facts of Legal Case-(Feel Free to discuss Legal Case Matter, either on Email Id - advshailendra.billore@gmail.com or on whatsapp)
- Bar Council of Delhi
- ID Number: D/142/1976
- English: Spoken, Written
- Hindi: Spoken, Written
- Advocate-Present
- GRKC, Delhi, India
- - Current
- Handle legal case matters as an Advocate.
- Advocate-Present
- Ashok Co Pan Bahar Limited, New Delhi, Delhi, India
- - Current
- Handle Fssai case matters-as an Advocate
- Advocate-Present
- Savencia Fromage & Dairy(Formerly Dabon International Pvt Ltd), Noida, UP,India
- - Current
- Handle Legal Case Matters-provide consultancy as an Advocate.
- Advocate-Present
- Milk Food Limited, New Delhi, Delhi-110019,India
- - Current
- Handle legal case matters- provide consultancy services as an Advocate.
- Advocate-Present
- Gopal Consumer World, New Delhi, Delhi, India
- - Current
- Handle Fssai case legal matters as an Advocate.
- Advocate-Present
- DS Group, Noida,Uttar Pradesh,India
- - Current
- Handling - FSSAI Legal Case Matters as an Advocate.
- Advocate
- Graviss Hospitality Ltd
- Consultancy services as an Advocate.
- Advocate
- Choko la (Cosmic Kitchen Pvt Ltd), Gurugram,Haryana,India
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- Provide consultancy service-handle case matters as an Advocate.
- Advocate
- Mother Dairy Fruit & Vegetable Pvt Ltd., Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India
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- (Formerly Mother Dairy India Ltd)-Handle Case matter provide consultancy service as an Advocate.
- Advocate
- Mehsana District Co-operative Milk Producers Union Ltd, Manesar,U.P.India
- Sample of Ice-cream, PFA Case matter-provide consultancy service as an Advocate.
- Advocate
- Saahaj Milk Producer Company Limited,Agra,Uttar Pradesh,India
- Provide Consultancy Service as Advocate.
- Advocate
- Parag Dairy, Gautam Buddha Nagar,Uttar Pradesh,India
- P.F.A. Cases-provide consultancy service as an Advocate.
- Advocate
- Jubilant FoodWorks Ltd, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India
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- Handle case matters-provide consultancy service as an Advocate.
- Advocate
- Monsanto Manufactures Pvt.Ltd, Delhi, India
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- Provide Consultancy services as an Advocate-handle cases.
- Advocate
- Kwality Ice-Cream Ltd, Delhi, India
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- Handle the case matters-provide consultancy services as an Advocate.
- Advocate
- Gujrat Corporative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd, Delhi,India
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- As an Advocate-provide consultancy services.
- Advocate
- Hindustan Unilever Limited (Formerly Hindustan Lever Limited), Gurugram,Haryana,India
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- Consultancy service/legal case matters handle as an Advocate.
- Advocate
- Varun Beverages Limited, Gurugram, Haryana, India
- Provide Consultancy service-Legal metrology-case-as an Advocate.
- Advocate
- KS Oils Limited, Morena, Madhya Pradesh, India
- Handle Case Matter as an Advocate.
- Advocate
- Amrit Foods, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India
- Provide Consultancy Service as an Advocate.
- Advocate
- Perfetti Van Melle, Gurugram, Haryana
- Perfetti India Pvt. Ltd-Provide Consultancy service/legal advice-as an Advocate.
- Barkatullah University(formerly Bhopal University),Madhya Pradesh, India
- LL.B. (1974) | Legislative Law Degree
- Law,discipline & profession concerned with customs,practices,rules of conduct of community that recognized as binding by community. Enforcement of body of rules through controlling authority. An instrument which regulates human conduct/behavior. Law the Justice, Morality,Reason,Order & Righteous from view point of society. Law the Statutes,Acts,Rules,Regulations,Orders,Ordinances from legislature point of view.Law or the law is all professions deal with consulting/advising clients,justiceforall!
- Honors: Grade-A-Pass Division
- Govt.Motilal Vigyan Mahavidhyalaya, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India
- B.S. (1971) | Bachelor Of Science, Science
- Science is pursuit & application of knowledge, understanding natural social world follow systematic methodology based on evidence. Science, any system of knowledge i.e.concerned with physical world,its phenomena that entails unbiased observations, systematic experimentation. In general, a science involves a pursuit of knowledge covering general truths or fundamental Laws. Science branches teach how to think critically, solve case problems, build confidence evidence based new laws.ScienceMatters!
- Honors: Grade: A-Pass Division
- Hon'ble Advocate Member
- New Delhi Bar Association, India
- Issued by New Delhi Bar Association, Patiala House Courts, New Delhi, India Advocate for More than 35 Years.
- Scroll of Honour-Advocate
- New Delhi Bar Association, India
- Issues by New Delhi Bar Council, Patiala House Courts, New Delhi, India Dedicated contribution to Bar on Felicitation occasion in Hon'ble Chief Justice of Singapore.
- Bar Council of Delhi  # D/142/1976
- Advocate Member
- - Current
- "Cross Examination by Defence", Under Food Authority, Madhya Pradesh, India
- RCVP Noronha Academy of Administration, Madhya Pradesh, India
- Speaking Engagement-Gave Lecture titled-'Cross Examination by Defense' under food authority-2008-RCVP Noronha, MP, India