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Practice Areas
- Estate Planning
- Intellectual Property
- International Law
- Tax Law
Additional Practice Area
- Personal Planning
Jurisdictions Admitted to Practice
- Hong Kong
- Washington
- Washington
Professional Experience
- Partner
- Perkins Coie LLP
- Current
- University of Washington School of Law
- J.D.Associate Editor, Washington Law Review
- University of Washington
- B.S.
Professional Associations
- Current
- Activities: Listed in Washington Law & Politics, “Washington's Super Lawyers,” 2004 - 2007
- Current
- Activities: Listed in The Best Lawyers in America, Recognized for Trusts and Estates, 1983 - 2007
- Current
- Activities: Listed in Washington Law & Politics, “Washington’s Super Lawyers,” 2008
- Current
- Activities: American Bar Association, Law Practice Management Section, Former Chairman
- Current
- Activities: American College of Trust & Estate Counsel
Websites & Blogs
- Website
- Website
Contact & Map