Michelle Alissa Ball

Michelle Alissa Ball

Student Attorney and Advocate
  • Education Law
  • California
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Michelle Ball has represented students throughout California since 1995 in expulsion, suspension, special education, 504, sports, bullying, Title IX, discrimination and many other student matters.

Michelle assists parents and students with public and private, pre-K, elementary, middle school and high school problems, as well as college difficulties, across California.

Michelle is located in Sacramento and has a highly informative website and blog on student education issues.


Practice Area
Education Law
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  • English: Spoken, Written
Professional Experience
Law Office of Michelle Ball
- Current
Education attorney for students assisting with expulsion, suspension, discipline, transfer, special education, 504, sports, attendance, harassment, discrimination, and most other education law issues. Helping students in public and private schools, at all grade levels, including pre-school, elementary, junior high, high school, and college since 1995.
University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
J.D. (1994)
Honors: Graduated "With Distinction," top 25% of class
University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law Logo
Univ of California Santa Barbara
B.A. (1991) | Law & Society
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Professional Associations
California State Bar  # 173429
- Current
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Websites & Blogs
Student Rights Blog by Lawyer Michelle Ball
Bullying in school, victims rights, school transfers. What can parents and students do? California law can help victims of bullying. Know your rights! Bullied Students Have School Transfer Priority. Victims Rights (California Law)

Bullying in school, victims rights, school transfers. What can parents and students do? California law can help victims of bullying. Know your rights!

If the parent removes the student from the school or school district prior to the expulsion hearing, can the school district still expel the student? Know Your Rights! Can

If the parent removes the student from the school or school district prior to the expulsion hearing, can the school district still expel the student? Know Your Rights!

504s are legally binding documents which obligate schools to do the things required by the 504 Plan. 504 Plans are powerful. A 504 Plan is a written document for a qualified disabled student, which lists out various accommodations which the school is supposed to put in place while the student is at school. Teachers, school, and district staff may be bound by a 504. Do Schools Have To Follow Student 504 Plans? Yes!

504s are legally binding documents which obligate schools to do the things required by the 504 Plan. 504 Plans are powerful. A 504 Plan is a written document for a qualified disabled student, which lists out various accommodations which the school is supposed to put in place while the student is at school. Teachers, school, and district staff may be bound by a 504.

Expulsion notices have minimum legal requirements that have to be met in California to be legitimate. Expulsion Notices Have To Contain These Things To Be Legal

Expulsion notices have minimum legal requirements that have to be met in California to be legitimate.

College students facing discipline allegations may be desperate to resolve allegations against them, even if they may be false. Sadly, sometimes distressed university students sign bad agreements due to fear. Heavy College Discipline Agreements For Minor Allegations Are Bad

College students facing discipline allegations may be desperate to resolve allegations against them, even if they may be false. Sadly, sometimes distressed university students sign bad agreements due to fear.

Here is how a parent can get an interdistrict school transfer for a student in California. How To Get An Interdistrict Transfer

Here is how a parent can get an interdistrict school transfer for a student in California.

Once a parent actually HAS a 504 plan for a student, the fight has just begun. There is a difference between having a 504 plan on paper and actually getting it carried out in school. Here is how you get schools to implement student 504 plans. How To Get Schools To Actually Implement A 504 Plan

Once a parent actually HAS a 504 plan for a student, the fight has just begun. There is a difference between having a 504 plan on paper and actually getting it carried out in school. Here is how you get schools to implement student 504 plans.

Don't want your high schooler recruited by the military? Here's what parents can do. How To Stop Military Recruiters At High Schools From Talking To Your Child

Don't want your high schooler recruited by the military? Here's what parents can do.

What is a PHYSICAL assault on a sports official, referee, umpire, coach or other game or event official? Can a student be banned from sports and if so how do you lift a ban? What is the California Interscholastic Federation (CIF)? Physical Assault Means No More High School Sports

What is a PHYSICAL assault on a sports official, referee, umpire, coach or other game or event official? Can a student be banned from sports and if so how do you lift a ban? What is the California Interscholastic Federation (CIF)?

Sudden exclusions for sexual harassment under the federal law, Title IX, are devastating students. Students may be moved or pushed out of their regular school environment while the Title IX process progresses, and may face even harsher discipline, such as expulsion, after the Title IX process concludes. Parents need to know about this difficult law. School Exclusions Under Title IX (Sex Harassment) Can Be Brutal

Sudden exclusions for sexual harassment under the federal law, Title IX, are devastating students. Students may be moved or pushed out of their regular school environment while the Title IX process progresses, and may face even harsher discipline, such as expulsion, after the Title IX process concludes. Parents need to know about this difficult law.

Can a parent question anything in their child's records? Can you refuse psychological testing? Can you observe your child Sixteen Rights Parents May Not Know They Have

Can a parent question anything in their child's records? Can you refuse psychological testing? Can you observe your child

Parents can get help from the special education IEP team when a special needs student is bullied, or bullies. Special Education and Bullying- How To Get More Help

Parents can get help from the special education IEP team when a special needs student is bullied, or bullies.

Sometimes a special education meeting, aka an IEP, should be requested by a parent. Find out when. Special Education Meetings Are Powerful, When Should An IEP Be Requested?

Sometimes a special education meeting, aka an IEP, should be requested by a parent. Find out when.

School discipline can be imposed even if a student is innocent. When a student is up for school punishment, such as suspension or expulsion, everyone presumes they Suspension and Expulsion of Innocent Students

School discipline can be imposed even if a student is innocent. When a student is up for school punishment, such as suspension or expulsion, everyone presumes they

Did you know that teachers in California must report students for things they write which could show homicidal intent, in their journals, papers, or in other locations. Schools are now secret spies and this can lead to trouble for kids who scribble a weapon on a page or write a horror story. Teachers Must Now Spy And Report California Students Scary Writings

Did you know that teachers in California must report students for things they write which could show homicidal intent, in their journals, papers, or in other locations. Schools are now secret spies and this can lead to trouble for kids who scribble a weapon on a page or write a horror story.

Avoid these things at student expulsion hearings! Want To Fight A School Expulsion? Don't Do These Things!

Avoid these things at student expulsion hearings!

Tips on what to say at a student expulsion hearing to get a better result What To Say At A School Expulsion Hearing To Get A Better Outcome

Tips on what to say at a student expulsion hearing to get a better result

Legal Answers
23 Questions Answered
Q. Can Hiring an IEP Attorney Help Secure Additional In-School ABA Therapy?
A: Hello:

Good question- hiring an attorney can help parents/students in many ways, including getting IEP services, making sure the IEP is adequate, etc. However it cannot be predicted what services will issue or who may need to fund or who will be obligated to provide those services. What an outside provider may recommend may be different from what the IEP team determines is appropriate. There are many facets to the situation.

You have to discuss with the IEP team. Parents sometimes involve attorneys for a short time, or maybe even for years, to assist with special education.

Best of luck.
Q. Grad school insists i pay for a course that i requested to be dropped. what kind of lawyer do i need?
A: Hello:

You need a student education attorney or a contract attorney. You have to follow the procedures to drop classes and it is unclear if emailing was the correct way to drop the class or not. If you met their requirements, you can bring someone in to help protest.

For pro bono services, contact your local low income community legal services organization. For example, in the Sacramento CA area, there is Legal Services of Northern California, but there are others available in different areas.

Good luck!
Q. My 16yo son faces Saturday detention for needing more than 5 minutes in the bathroom due to an upset stomach.
A: You can sue anyone for practically anything, so possibly, but this does not seem like something that would go to a lawsuit level. It is quite pricey to file a lawsuit. It may be better to try to work with the school to see what happened, and see if they will erase the Saturday School, and fix this from happening again. It does seem incredibly harsh to impose a Saturday School for going to the bathroom. The local school district sets the policies on bathroom access.
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717 K St, Suite 228
Sacramento, CA 95814
Telephone: (916) 444-9064
Fax: (916) 444-1209