Kristy Fletcher
Brisbane Property Conveyancing Made Easy
Queensland Conveyancing Solicitor
Experience in Queensland and Western Australian Residential Conveyancing (Houses, Land, Off the Plan and Transfer by agreement), Residential Contracts, Retirement Village Leases/Licences/Contracts, Transmission of Death Applications, Requests to Record Death, NRAS Agreements and Deeds of Rescission/Variation/Novation.
Leading the teams in QLD, TAS, WA an SA. Overseeing Paralegals and Solicitors; Responding to Notices from Regulators or Government Bodies; consulting with the Insurer; auditing staff work; creating new systems to build work efficiency; signing off on PEXA settlements; providing Legal Content Training for Paralegals; handling Trust Account approvals as a Trust Signatory; creating precedents and processes; and interviewing new staff.
Experience in Residential Conveyancing Transactions including OTP and RPT; Manufactured Homes; Put and Call Options; transfer of Pontoon and Marina Berth interests; transfer of Water Licence and Allocation interests; drawing up and lodging Transmission Applications and Requests to Record Death; registering Powers of Attorney; reviewing and providing advice on Building Contracts and DHA leases; conducting capacity assessments of clients; People Management ; handling difficult clients and client complaints; and providing supervision to a number of Paralegals in Queensland, Tasmania and Western Australia (both remotely and in person).
- Real Estate Law
- Condominiums, Easements, Residential Real Estate
Free Consultation
Free 20-Minute Initial Consultation -
Rates, Retainers and Additional Information
Sellers Conveyancing from $449 Buyers Conveyancing from $878 Contract Drafting from $330 Written Pre-Signing Contract Review from $165
- Queensland
- English: Spoken, Written
- Residential Conveyancing Queue Solicitor
- Slater and Gordon Lawyers
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- Experience in drawing up contracts; reviewing and providing advice on Residential, Off the Plan, and Retirement Village Contracts; handling difficult clients and client complaints; and providing supervision to a number of Paralegals in Queensland and Western Australia (both remotely and in person). Providing Legal Content Training for Paralegals; training other Solicitors; providing legal updates to staff; handling Trust Account approvals; and operating files for conveyancing transactions. Reviewing and providing advice on DHA leases, Retirement Village Leases, and NRAS agreements.
- Queensland University of Technology
- LL.B. (2007) | Bachelor of Laws
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- Activities: Electives in Internet Law, Corporate Law, Australian Employment Law, Real Estate Transactions, Law of Corporate Governance and Private International Law
- Best Service Award
- Word of Mouth
- Queensland Law Society
- Member
- Current