Jennifer Schaller
The National Law ReviewSuccessful at marketing a start-up within a Fortune 500 Company and implementing the re-launch of a 120 year-old publication on a start-up budget. I’ve enjoyed career accomplishments as an in-house attorney, a litigator, and a business development vice president. Look to create situations where existing organizations can expand their influence, increase profits and where both the client and the service provider win big. I’m currently the Managing Director of one of the nation’s top on-line legal news websites and legal analysis databases. Developed and launched a 100 year old publication’s first website, direct the daily activities of social media, website, advertising and editorial staff and create cross promotional opportunities with professional associations and other publishers.
- Communications & Internet Law
- Internet Law, Media & Advertising, Telecommunications Law
- Insurance Claims
- Bad Faith Insurance, Business Insurance, Disability Insurance, Health Insurance, Life Insurance, Motor Vehicle Insurance, Property Insurance
- Illinois
- French: Spoken, Written
- The National Law Review
- Current
- Chicago-Kent College of Law, Illinois Institute of Technology
- J.D. (2001)
- -
- Honors: Dean's Merit Scholarship, CALI Award for Advanced Legal Research / Legal Drafting
- DePaul University
- M.A. (1997)
- Illinois State Bar
- Member
- Current
- American Bar Association
- Law Practice Division: ABA Women Rainmakers Committee
- Current
- Legal Marketing Association
- Vice Chairman of Chicago City Group
- Current
- Law Firm Business Development Directors Roundtable: A Unique Opportunity to Network and Learn from Your Peers
- The National Law Review
- GDPR Countdown: Just Days until May 25
- The National Law Review
- Thought Leadership Marketing With National Law Review’s Jennifer Schaller [podcast]
- Good2BeSocial Podcast
- Kushner’s Bad Week: Losing Clearance, Suspicious Business Activities, and the Looming Russia Investigation
- The National Law Review
- Sessions, Oprah, Obama but not the Russians in Trump’s On-Going Twitter War
- The National Law Review
- Writing for Good Readership Lessons in Storytelling Thought Leadership and Common Sense, Legal Marketing Association Midwest, Chicago, IL
- Legal Marketing Association
- Presented jointly with Jaffe PR. With blogging platforms and social media, brands now have the capacity to connect with and influence prospects, clients and referral sources globally on a 24-hour basis. These new mediums have created a problem: capturing and maintaining the attention of a time-strapped audience. What steps can legal marketers take to ensure that not only will their content get noticed but that it will advance the goals of the firm by fostering brand affinity among its readers?
- How to Make Your Firm's Website a Big Success, NAMWOLF 2016 Annual Meeting Marketing Best Practices Committee Panel Member, Houston, TX
- National Assoc. of Women & Minority Owned Law Firms
- When it comes to referrals and recommendations, more often than not, your firm's website is the first impression on a potential client. Join the NAMWOLF Marketing Best Practices Committee, along with a panel of website and graphic design experts, to make sure that you're never passed over because of a mediocre website. We will identify the major do's and don'ts, and we will give you tips and tricks to make sure your website makes a BIG first impression.
- Using Readership Analytics to Strengthen Your Firm’s Thought Leadership, Legal Marketing Association, Philadelphia, St. Louis, Detroit
- Legal Marketing Association
- Thought leadership is a time honored method for attorneys to demonstrate their expertise and to keep their profiles out in the public sphere --but how do you create readership goals, measure its effectiveness and manage attorney’s expectations? When confronted with billable hour pressures - how do you convince your lawyers that producing quality content is a critical and measurable endeavor? Show them evidence that you can define success using data and that you have the tools you need to help their content be successful. Managing Director of the National Law Review, Jennifer Schaller, will discuss strategies for optimizing your firm’s content based on the latest information available for 2017. Jennifer will provide brief case studies of content that reached different types of audiences, analyzing the promotion, reach and SEO structure of various articles. Along the way, various tips on formatting, writing titles, and promoting via social media will be provided to maximize the reach of your firm’s thought leadership efforts. Nicole Minnis, lead publications manager at the National Law Review will show you how to use data from Google Analytics (and other readership information) to convince your attorneys that thought leadership is a critical and worthy endeavor. She will cover what core metrics you can extract from readership analytics that will be compelling to attorneys, where you can find them, and why they are important.