John Mansella
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Legal Answers
2 Questions Answered
- Q. I've been told to withhold mortgage payments while the loan is getting refinanced - is this really wise?
- A: Who told you to withhold mortgage payments? -- an Attorney?? You should make sure it's not one of those scams parading around pretending to be a law firm that "modifies" your loan for a hefty fee. Some of those are legitimate, but some are scams. Some say they're a law firm, and they may be (in another State or jurisdiction), but not licensed in the State that you're in, which would make them ineligible to represent you in a modification in your State. Typically, those schemes tell you not to pay your mortgage payments and instead to pay them to help you "modify" the loan. My background includes representing mortgage lenders/banks, and then homeowners and tenants ... Read More
- Q. Hello! I was let go of my job at the end of Oct 2016, I have not received my earned PTO time which was 40hrs
- A: The Massachusetts Wage Act requires payment of wages, commissions, overtime, benefits, and vacation time. If your PTO time falls under the Massachusetts Wage Act, you may have a remedy at law. The statutory remedy for an employee whose employer is found in violation of the Act by a Court is three times the amount of unpaid wages/benefits, etc., plus reasonable attorney fees and costs. I am not necessarily saying whether or not your employer violated the Act, as more information would be required. What I am saying, however, is that you should consult an attorney immediately and without any delay. Certain time deadlines apply. You can consult with a lawyer on Justia or find a lawyer any way you ... Read More