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Practice Area
- Business Law
Additional Practice Areas
- General Civil
- Litigation
Jurisdictions Admitted to Practice
- Massachusetts
- Massachusetts, 1998
Professional Experience
- Partner
- Ropes & Gray
- Current
- Current
- Catherine'sinsurance coverage litigation experienceincludes:multiplelawsuits based on alleged business interruptionfollowing Hurricane Katrina and theSeptember 11, 2001terrorist attack;multi-million dollar food contamination and mold claims in jurisdictions around the country; andthe firsttrial of a case in which a railroadsought coverage for exposure ofits workers to chemical solvents. Catherine has also devoted a significant portion of her practice to intellectual property matters, including:a ten-day jury trial involving a dispute between software developers;the development of a college's copyright policy;and the response to an antitrust investigation in connection with a client's proposed merger. Catherine is a member of Ropes Gray's Intellectual Property Group. Catherine's recent work has included class-action securities litigation, as well as representation of companies under investigation by federal and state regulatory and law enforcement agencies.
- Harvard Law School
- J.D.
- with Honors, Harvard Journal of Law Technology, Harvard Environmental Law Review
- Princeton University
- B.S.E. ,Civil Engineering and Operations Research, magna cum laude
Websites & Blogs
- Website
- Website
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