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Professional Experience
- Partner
- Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP
- Current
- Current
- Bertelsmann AG In re Napster, Inc. Copyright Litigation, Case No. 06-15886 (9th Cir. 2006); Case No. 06-72515 (9th Cir. 2006); MDL 1369 (MHP) (N.D. Cal. 2003) Litigation over the former Napster service; successful settlements in the single largest copyright infringement case in U.S. history
- Current
- Grohe Group Schutzgemeinschaft der Kapitalanleger u.a. vs. Grohe Water Technology AG&Co KG. Successfully represented the Grohe Group in an accelerated procedure to implement a merger between Grohe Water Technology AG & Co. KG and Grohe AG, despite ongoing litigation begun by objecting minority stakeholders. more
- Current
- Fortress Germany Sale of Several Real Estate Companies Owned by Harbour Acquisition LP Germany, a Branch of Fortress Investment Group Represented Harbour Acquisition LP (Fortress) Germany, a branch of Fortress Investment Group, in the sale of several real estate companies to Les Assurances de Fortis Banque.
- Current
- TPG Capital Merger of Mobilcom AG with freenet.de AG Represented TPG Capital as shareholder in the $5.52 billion merger of Mobilcom AG with freenet.de AG.
- Current
- Augusta Technologie AG Sale of Augusta Technologie AG Represented Augusta Technologie AG in the restructuring of its bonds including a subsequent debt for equity swap and recapitalization.
- Current
- Ryanair Ltd. Ryanair Ltd. - Air Transport Represented Ryanair Ltd, in connection with two major competition and aviation law proceedings.
- Current
- Fortress Investment Group LLC Acquisition of IVG Immobilien AG Represented Fortress Investment Group in the $753.3 million acquisition of IVG Immobilien AG.
- Higher R.C. Duesseldorf
- Assessor
- University of Bonn
- Referendar
Speaking Engagements
- Import kartellrechtlicher Sammelklagen nach Europa? - Neueste Entwicklungen in den USA und der Europäischen Union (November 2007) FIW Seminar, Aktuelle Schwerpunkte des Kartellrechts, Cologne
- The Role of Private Equity Firms: Corporate Governance Issues (Frankfurt, October 2007) Conference Board, European Council on Corporate Governance
- Internet & elektronische Kommunikation: Erhöhtes Gefahrenpotential für US-Rechtsstreitigkeiten? (May 04, 2006) Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP/American Chamber of Commerce, Business Lunch
- Juristische Reaktionen auf unternehmensbezogene Kriminalität (January 17, 2006) ACFE
- Managerhaftung - Das neue Damoklesschwert für Unternehmen und Investoren? (November 25, 2005) Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP, Business Lunch
Websites & Blogs
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