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Brian Lehman
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- University of Chicago
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- Connecticut State Bar
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Articles & Publications
- Supreme Court Likely to Consider Whether Class Actions Toll Statutes of Repose for Securities Violations
- Wall Street Lawyer
- Supreme Court Likely to Consider Whether Class Actions Toll Statutes of Repose for Securities Violations
- Wall Street Lawyer
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- Lehman Law Group
Legal Answers
244 Questions Answered
- Q. How long does it take for an appeal to go through?
- A: You did not specify the court, so I'll assume that you mean the Illinois Supreme Court. Here is a good article: https://www.law360.com/articles/753921/the-illinois-supreme-court-in-2015-a-statistical-analysis
It states:
"Average time under submission for non-unanimous decisions on the civil docket was 152.6 days, a 21.2 percent decrease over the previous year. Non-unanimous criminal cases were under submission for an average of 159.6 days — an improvement of 14.2 percent over 2014. Days under submission were essentially static for unanimous decisions — 104.8 days for civil cases (a slight increase from 2014) and 120.5 days for criminal cases. Measured from the date cases ... Read More
- Q. Where can i find a case law involving leash laws?
- A: This might help:
- Q. How can I shield myself from personal liability if my business ends up getting sued?
- A: The common way is to set up a limited liability or a corporation and to maintain the legal requirement of that entity so that the corporate structure cannot be "pierced." Here is the IRS's guide on LLCs, which I see most often with startups: https://www.irs.gov/businesses/small-businesses-self-employed/limited-liability-company-llc
- Irrera v. Humpherys
- US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit
- SRM Global Master Fund v. Bear Stearns
- US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit
- Urbont v. Sony Music Entm't
- US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit
- In re Aluminum Warehousing Antitrust Litig.
- US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit
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