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Jeremy Waldron

New York University
  • Law and Philosophy
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Law and Philosophy
Professional Experience
New York University
University of Otago, New Zealand
Honorary Doctorate of Laws
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Catholic University of Brussels
Honorary Doctorate of Laws
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Oxford University
D.Phil. | (Faculty of Law
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University of Oxford
M.A. | Ex officio
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University of Otago
Honors: Hons., First Class
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Admitted as Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of New Zealand
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University of Otago
B.A. | Philosophy
Honors: Hons., First Class
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Lon L. Fuller Prize in Jurisprudence 1987
Institute for Humane Studies
for 'When Justice Replaces Affection: The Need for Rights'
Winner, Philosophical Quarterly Annual Essay Competition
for an article on the subject 'Theoretical Foundations of Liberalism
Professional Associations
Chicago-Kent Law School
2004 Centennial Scholar
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Department of Philosophy, University of North Carolina
Sheps Distinguished Visitor
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National Coalition for the Homeless Summit, Washington DC
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Union College, Schenectady, NY
Spenser-Leavitt Visiting Professor
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Cambridge University Press
Regular reader of book manuscripts
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Cornell University Press
Regular reader of book manuscripts
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Harvard University Press
Regular reader of book manuscripts
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Oxford University Press
Regular reader of book manuscripts
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Princeton University Press
Regular reader of book manuscripts
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University of Chicago Press
Regular reader of book manuscripts
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University of California Press
Regular reader of book manuscripts
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Regular reader of book manuscripts
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American Political Science Review
Regular reader of book manuscripts
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Australasian Journal of Philosophy
Regular reader of book manuscripts
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Political Theory
Regular reader of book manuscripts
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Philosophy and Public Affairs
Regular reader of book manuscripts
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Editorial Board of Ratio Juris
- Current
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Editorial Board of Legal Theory
- Current
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Columbia Human Rights Law Review
Member of Board of Advisors
- Current
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Division II: Foundations of Political Theory - American Political Science Association Annual Meetings
Division Chair
- Current
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Organizing Committee for annual conference on Analytic Legal Philosophy
Founding member
- Current
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Working Group on multi-cultural education, sponsored by the Institute for Philosophy and Public Policy, University of Maryland
- Current
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The Journal of Political Philosophy
Associate Editor
- Current
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Editorial Board of Ethics
- Current
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Editorial Board of Legal Theory
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Center for Human Values, Princeton University
Visiting Senior Research Scholar
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Continuing Judicial Studies Program, Center for Judicial Education and Research, State of California
Faculty Member
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Speaking Engagements
The Nature of the Judicial Function, South Seas Resort, Captiva, Florida
Judicial Studies Institute (federal and state appellate judges)
The Supersession Thesis: the Process and Legacy of Settlement
Minerva Center for Human Rights, Tel Aviv University
conference on Paper for conference on Israeli Settlements & Related Cases
Normative Positivism
Arizona State University
Conference on Legal Philosophy
 Positivism and Legality: Hart s Equivocal Response to Fuller, 50th Anniversary of the Hart/Fuller Debate
Community and Property for those who have neither
Tel Aviv Law School
Conference on Community and Property
The War on Terrorism and the Image of God, Center for the Study of Law & Religion s Silver Anniversary Conference
Emory University School of Law
Partly Laws Common to All Mankind, The 2007 Storrs Lectures
three lectures
Hart and the Principles of Legality
Cambridge University
Conference on the Legacy of H.L.A. Hart
Philosophical Perspectives on Law, Democracy, and Human Rights, NEH Summer Seminar
Georgia State University
The Dignity of Groups, the Ben Beinart Memorial Lecture, South Africa
University of Cape Town Law School
Do Judges Reason Morally?
University of Texas Law School
Faculty Workshop
Dignity and Rank, Washington DC
Ralph McInerny Center for Thomistic Studies
conference on  The Philosophical Foundations of Human Dignity,
Safety and Security, Columbus
Ohio State University
Law/Political Theory Workshop
What Can Christian Argument Add to the Debate about Torture, Annual Law, Culture and Religion Lecture, Washington DC
Catholic University
Lucky in Your Judge, Israel
Tel Aviv University and Hebrew University
Conference on Legal and Moral Luck
Safety and Security, Institute for Legal Philosophy, University of Pennsylvania Law School
Do Judges Reason Morally?
University of Western Ontario
Conference on  Interpreting the Constitution,
Law, Culture and Basic Equality, The Joshua Greenberg Memorial Lecture
Department of Politics, Brandeis University
Raz on Culture and Autonomy
Princeton University
Conference on the Twentieth Anniversary of Joseph Raz, The Morality of Freedom
Arendt on the Foundations of Equality
Yale University
Conference: Crises of our Republics: Hannah Arendt at One Hundred
Basic Equality, Law/Philosophy Colloquium, Los Angeles
University of Southern California
on Equality
Conquest and Circumstances, The Julius Stone Lecture
University of Sydney
Mill and the Contagious Diseases Acts, American Political Science Association Annual Meetings, Philadelphia
The Rule against Torture as a Legal Archetype, The Jonathan Charney Lecture in International Law
Vanderbilt Law School
Compliance with Norms against Torture, International Law Association meetings
New York Bar Association
Public Reason, Courts, and Official  Justification
Center for Ethics, University of Toronto
Safety, Security, and Public Goods with Structure
University of Arizona, Law School
Why is Indigeneity Important?, Annual Meeting, Washington D.C.
panel on Politicizing Indigeneity American Political Science Association
Compared to What? Judicial Activism and the New Zealand Parliament, Public Law Lecture, New Zealand
Victoria University of Wellington
Equality and Cultural Diversity, plenary conference, Rotorua
conference of the New Zealand judiciary on Equality and Diversity
The Half-Life of Treaties: Waitangi, Rebus Sic Stantibus, The Annual F.W. Guest Memorial Lecture, New Zealand
University of Otago
Is Torture ever Acceptable?
Public Debate with John Yoo
The Core of the Case Against Judicial Review, London
University College
Legal Theory Workshop
Arendt s Constitutional Politics, Annual Meeting, San Francisco
Association of American Law Schools
Dead to the Law  Paul s Antinomiansm
Cardozo Law School
conference on Text and Tradition
Torture and Positive Law  Jurisprudence for the White House
Chicago-Kent Law School
Status and Equality, American Political Science Association Meetings, Chicago
Torture and Positive Law  Jurisprudence for the White House, Law School, New Zealand,
Victoria University of Wellington
Adjudication and Personal Values
Conference of the Connecticut Judiciary
Can There Be a Democratic Jurisprudence?, Ninth Annual Analytic Legal Philosophy Conference
The Supersession Thesis: the Process and Legacy of Settlement
UCLA Law School
Legal Theory Workshop
Can There Be a Democratic Jurisprudence?, The Wesson Lectures
Stanford University
two lectures
Liberty and Security: Security as Public Good, Annual Political Thought Conference
St. Catherine s College, Oxford
Toleration, Atlanta
Annual meetings of the American Society for Legal, Political and Social Philosophy, in conjunction with the annual meetings of the American Association of Law Schools
Popular Sovereignty and Judicial Supremacy, Seattle
Department of Philosophy, University of Washington
Constitutionalism and the Rule of Law
to celebrate Columbia University s 250th anniversary
The Primacy of Justice, Chapel Hill
Department of Philosophy, University of North Carolina
Who is my Neighbor, Chapel Hill
School of Law, University of North Carolina
Nozick and Locke  Filling the Space of Rights, Ohio
Bowling Green
conference on Robert Nozick s work at Bowling Green State University
Some Models of Dialogue Between Judges and Legislators, London Ontario
University of Western Ontario
conference on  Constitutionalism in the Charter Era: an International Conference on Rights, Judicial Review, and Public Policy,
Moral Disagreements about Just and Unjust Wars, annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Philadelphia
The New Testament in Locke s Political Thought, annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Philadelphia
The Primacy of Justice, Annual John Passmore Lecture, Canberra
Australian National University
Lecture in Philosophy
 Constitutional Democracy or Constitutional  Democracy
Minda de Gunzberg Center for European Studies, Harvard University
conference on  Accountability and Representation in European Democracy
Security and Liberty: The Image of Balance, Atlanta
Georgia State University
Conference on Terrorism and Justice
Judicial Supremacy and Popular Sovereignty, The Robert Stevens Lecture, Ithaca
Cornell Law School
Terrorism, Terror and Coercion: The Uses of a Psychological State, Tucson
University of Arizona
Conference on Moral Aspects of Terrorism
Popular Sovereignty and Judicial Supremacy
University of Chicago
Constitutional Theory Workshop
Large Assemblies and the Basis of Representation, Portugal
Mario Soares Foundation, Lisbon
Locke on Equality
Harvard Political Theory Workshop
Is the Rule of Law an Essentially Contested Concept (in Florida)?
Yale Political Theory Workshop
The Philosophical Foundations of Rights, Public Lecture
University of Connecticut
Kant s heading  Cosmopolitan Right,, Kingston, Ontario
Queen s University
Workshop on Cosmopolitanism
The Logic of Cultural Accommodation, American Political Science Association Annual Meetings, San Francisco
Repairing Historical Injustice, Germany
Einstein Forum, Potsdam
conference on Historische Gerechtigkeit
Public Reason and  Official Justification, symposium on The Idea of Public Reason, Washington, D.C.
Columbus Law School, Catholic University of America
Basic Equality, Faculty Colloquium
University of Texas Law School
Actions and Accommodations, The Kadish Lecture
University of California Berkeley
Actually Existing Cosmopolitanism, Florence
conference on Cosmopolitan Law
Actually Existing Cosmopolitanism
London School of Economics
conference on Cosmopolitan Law
Judicial Supremacy and Popular Sovereignty, James Madison Lecture
Princeton University
Locke, God and Equality
History department workshop at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
Does Law Promise Justice?, The Miller Lecture
Georgia State University College of Law
Repairing Historical Injustice
Colloquium on Liberal Democracy and Tribal Peoples: Group Rights in Aotearoa/New Zealand
Judicial Ethics and the Rule of Law, plenary conference, Rotorua
conference of the New Zealand judiciary on Judicial Standards: Contemporary Constraints
Dworkin and Posner: The Strange Case of Law v. Philosophy, Legal Research Foundation Annual Lecture, Auckland
The Majority Principle
Baldy Center, SUNY Buffalo
Conference on First Principles of Collective Decision Making in Public Policy Contexts
Does Law Promise Justice?
University College London
Seminar in Law, Politics and Society, Faculty of Laws
Basic Equality, Sir Malcolm Knox Memorial Lecture, Scotland
University of St. Andrews
Locke, God and Equality, The Spring University Lecture
Columbia University
Tolerance and Reasonableness, The Austin Lecture, Exeter
UK Association for Legal and Social Philosophy
Homelessness and Community, The Cecil A. Wright Memorial Lecture
University of Toronto Law School
Legislation by Assembly, The Brendan Brown lecture
Loyola University of New Orleans Law School
Normative Positivism, Eastern Division Meetings, Boston
invited paper at American Philosophical Association
Basic Equality, Florence
European University Institute
presented to the Legal Theory Workshop
Cosmopolitan Citizenship, Netherlands
School of Law, Tilburg University (Catholic University of Brabant)
Arendt s Constitutionalism - The case of Julius Caesar, The Hannah Arendt Lecture, England
University of Southampton
Kant s Heading - Cosmopolitan Right
Political Theory Workshop, Cambridge University
Self Defense - Agent-Neutral and Agent-Relative Accounts, Berkeley
Conference Honoring Sanford Kadish
Two Essays on Basic Equality
New York University
Colloquium on Law, Philosophy and Political Theory
Mill as a Critic of Culture, Annual Meetings, Atlanta
American Political Science Association
Taking Group Rights Carefully, Auckland
Conference on The Future of the New Zealand Constitution
Authority for Officials, Bielefeld, Germany
Colloquium on the Work of Joseph Raz, held at ZiF
Piecemeal Positivism
Plenary Session of the 19th World Congress in Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy
Hayek on Freedom, Freedom Project Conference (John Templeton Fund),, Newport RI
Salve Regina University,
Author Meets Critics: Waldron s Law and Disagreement,, Annual Meetings, Berkeley
American Philosophical Association (Pacific Division)
Banking Constitutional Rights Who Controls Withdrawals?, The Hartman Hotz Lecture, Fayetteville
School of Law, University of Arkansas
Legislation by Assembly, SOFIA Conference
Political Science Workshop, Rochester University
Conference in Law and Philosophy, Mazatlan, Mexico, December 1999
The Physics of Consent, Public Lecture, Houston
Rice University
Lecture in Ethics, Politics and Society
Kant on the Need for Positive Law, American Political Science Association Annual Meetings, Boston
Identity Politics and Civic Responsibility, Public Lecture
Otago University
Legislation by Assembly, Canberra
Australian National University
conference on Judicial Activism and Ethical Positivism
Rights, Constitutionalism, and Judicial Review: Some Doubts About the American Contribution, Annual Meeting, Dunedin
Plenary Address to Australasian Law Teachers Association
The Normative Resilience of Property
conference on Property and the Constitution
Homelessness, Community and Denial, Atlanta
Georgia State University
Conference on Homelessness
The Normative Resilience of Property, Annual Meeting, Los Angeles
American Philosophical Association (Pacific Division)
an invited Lecture
Civic Responsibility and Identity Politics, Toronto
conference on Citizenship in a Multi-Cultural Society
Participation, St. Louis
Philosophy Department, Washington University
Natural Duty Revisited
Philosophy Department, New York University
The Constitutional Conception of Democracy, American Political Science Association Annual Meetings, Washington D.C
The Dignity of Legislation
Faculty Workshop, Harvard Law School
Civic Responsibility and Identity Politics
Theory Workshop, University of Virginia
conference on Citizenship in a Multi-Cultural Society
Law and Disagreement
Legal Theory Workshop, Yale Law School
Truth, Publicity and Civill Doctrine, Public Lecture
Kennedy School, Harvard University
Precommitment and Disagreement
New York University Law School
Colloquium in Law, Philosophy and Political Theory
Legislation, Authority and Voting, the Harry Lyman Hooker Lecture, Hamilton, Ontario
McMaster University
Supply without Burthern Revisited, the Shirley Webster Lecture
Iowa College of Law
Property Rights from Magna Carta to the Twenty-First Century, San Francisco-Wellington
Address to New Zealand Federated Farmers, by satellite
What is Cosmopolitan?, the Spring 1996 James Moffitt Lecture
Center for Human Values, Princeton University
Lecture on Ethics
The Dignity of Legislation, Seeley Lectures, England
Cambridge University
the second series of Seeley Lectures (Four lectures)
Voting and the Dignity of Legislation, the Donald Brown Memorial Lecture
University of Vermont
The Role of Rights in Practical Reasoning, Buenos Aires
Universidad Torcuato di Tella
The Dignity of Legislation, the Lawrence and Pearl Gerber Memorial Lecture
University of Maryland Law School
Above the Bottom Line, public lecture, Canberra
Research School of the Social Sciences, Australian National University
The Dignity of Legislation, public lecture, Canberra
Research School of the Social Sciences, Australian National University
When the Players Disagree about the Trumps, public lecture, Canberra
Research School of the Social Sciences, Australian National University
Actually Existing Cosmopolitanism
Watson Institute, Brown University
conference on Cosmopolitan Law
Alternatives to Nationalism: Proximity and Conflict as the Basis of a State, The Daniel Jacobson Lecture
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Christian Equality in the Political Thought of John Locke, The Carlyle Lectures
University of Oxford
Six Lectures
Indigeneity - First Peoples and Last Occupancy, Quentin-Baxter Memorial Lecture, New Zealand
Victoria University of Wellington, Law School
Is the Rule of Law an Essentially Contested Concept (in Florida), John Dewey Lecture
Legislating with Integrity, The McDonald Lecture, Edmonton
University of Alberta Law School
Lecture in Constitutional Studies
Locke, God and Equality
Theory colloquium, University of Chicago,
One Law for All? - The Logic of Cultural Accommodation, John Randolph Tucker Lecture
Washington and Lee Law School
Poverty and Freedom, the 1994 De Carle Lectures, New Zealand
University of Otago
Four lectures
Retroactive Law - How Dodgy was Duynhoven?, Public lecture, Wellington, New Zealand
Victoria University of Wellington, Law School,
Safety, Security, and Public Goods with Structure
Harvard Law School,
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