University of Texas School of Law Juvenile Justice Clinic

About University of Texas School of Law Juvenile Justice Clinic

Students serve as student attorneys with the Travis County Juvenile Public Defender. Clients are indigent juveniles, aged ten to seventeen, charged with criminal offenses ranging from Class B misdemeanors to first-degree felonies. The Clinic provides an opportunity for students to learn juvenile law, interact with clients, advocate in court proceedings, and participate in educating children about the law.

Student attorneys are assigned cases for which they have primary responsibility under the supervision of an experienced attorney in the public defender’s office. Students perform all investigation, interviews, discovery, negotiation, and litigation functions on their cases.

Legal Services Provided
Criminal Law
Juvenile Law
Websites & Blogs
University of Texas School of Law Juvenile Justice Clinic Website
Contact & Map
727 East Dean Keaton
Austin, TX 78705
Telephone: (512) 471-5151