Sojouner House
About Sojouner House
About this Organization:
Sojourner House offers protective shelter to women and their children whom are fleeing an abusive environment and who cannot safely remain in their current residence. The shelter location is kept as confidential as possible to ensure the safety of residents and staff. Many victims of domestic violence are displaced without money, clothing or food and are in need of emergency shelter. The short-term refuge available at Sojourner House (up to 30 days) provides battered women a chance to think calmly and examine their options without pressure or fear. During their stay, women receive assistance to help them meet their emotional, legal, medical, financial, housing, educational and vocational needs. It gives them an opportunity to initiate solutions to the problems they are experiencing and make positive changes in their lives.
Sojourner House offers protective shelter to women and their children whom are fleeing an abusive environment and who cannot safely remain in their current residence. The shelter location is kept as confidential as possible to ensure the safety of residents and staff. Many victims of domestic violence are displaced without money, clothing or food and are in need of emergency shelter. The short-term refuge available at Sojourner House (up to 30 days) provides battered women a chance to think calmly and examine their options without pressure or fear. During their stay, women receive assistance to help them meet their emotional, legal, medical, financial, housing, educational and vocational needs. It gives them an opportunity to initiate solutions to the problems they are experiencing and make positive changes in their lives.
Legal Services Provided
Domestic Violence
Family Law
Family Law
Websites & Blogs
- Website
- Sojouner House Website
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