Schuylkill Women in Crisis

About Schuylkill Women in Crisis

Schuylkill Women in Crisis is a private, non-profit organization founded in 1983 to provide services to victims of domestic violence in Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania. In addition to assisting victims, this agency is working to confront the societal issues that contribute to this problem. SWIC is motivated by the belief that all individuals are entitled to live free of the fear and pain caused by emotional and phyiscal abuse. While the agency provides services to all individuals regardless of gender, we acknowledge that women and children are most vulnerable to this problem.

Legal Services Provided
Domestic Violence
Family Law
Websites & Blogs
Schuylkill Women in Crisis Website
Contact & Map
PO Box 96
Pottsville, PA 17901
Phone: 570-622-6220
Alt Phone: 800-282-0634