Insituto Laboral de la Raza

About Insituto Laboral de la Raza

About this Organization:
The mission of the Instituto Laboral de la Raza is to provide labor rights education and legal advocacy for all low income workers, to obtain unpaid wages and other denied benefits vital to the support of workers and their families, and to work in collaboration with other neighborhood organizations to effectively manage all other critical needs for the economic, health and social welfare of disadvantaged, disparaged families. The Goal of the Instituto Laboral de la Raza is to attack the root causes of systemic poverty of people from all social and ethnic backgrounds through programs that stabilize them in their communities and to build leadership so that they may flourish and contribute in harmony to the economic, social and cultural enrichment of their communities.

Legal Services Provided
Employment Law
Immigration Law
Workers' Compensation
Websites & Blogs
Insituto Laboral de la Raza Website
Contact & Map
2647 International Blvd
Suite 221
Oakland, CA 94601
Phone: 510-535-7900
Alt Phone: 510-535-7955
2947 16th Street
San Francisco, CA 94117
Phone: 415-431-7522
Alt Phone: 415-431-4846