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Tyler Fredrickson
John Miller Carroll Law
Claimed Lawyer ProfileQ&A
Practice Areas
- Criminal Law
- Criminal Appeals, Drug Crimes, Expungement, Fraud, Gun Crimes, Internet Crimes, Sex Crimes, Theft, Violent Crimes
- Appeals & Appellate
- Civil Appeals, Federal Appeals
- Legal Malpractice
- Real Estate Law
- Commercial Real Estate, Condominiums, Easements, Eminent Domain, Homeowners Association, Land Use & Zoning, Mortgages, Neighbor Disputes, Residential Real Estate, Water Law
- Domestic Violence
- Domestic Violence Criminal Defense, Domestic Violence Restraining Orders
- Communications & Internet Law
- Internet Law, Media & Advertising, Telecommunications Law
Jurisdictions Admitted to Practice
- Eastern District of Wisconsin
- Wisconsin
- Wisconsin Court System
- ID Number: 1101665
- 7th Circuit
- U.S. Supreme Court
Professional Experience
- Associate Attorney
- John Miller Carroll Law
- - Current
- Aggressive Criminal Defense, Specializing in trial litigation and advanced motion practice.
- Legal Assistant
- Recka & Joannes
- - Current
- Worked on personal injury and business law files as an assistant.
- Clerk
- Robert Abrams
- -
- Worked on several large Contract disputes while in litigation, with Firm Owner to collect over 2 million in legal contracts disputes.
- Ave Maria School of Law
- J.D. (2012) | Law; Coursework included Criminal Law and Procedure, Security law, Secure Transactions, Complex litigation, Business law, Advanced Torts and Contracts
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- Honors: Recipient of the Board of Governors Scholarship
- Charles University, Prague Czech Repulic
- J.D. | Barristers Program focus on International Law and Antitrust, EU law
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- St. Norbert College
- B.B.A. (2009) | Pre Law, Focus on Coursework in Business, Business law, Psychology, Philosophy
Professional Associations
- State Bar of Wisconsin # 1101665
- Member
- Current
Websites & Blogs
- Website
- Atty. Website
Legal Answers
1 Questions Answered
- Q. Is it battery to forcibly grab someone's phone from their hand and refuse to give it back unless a video is deleted?
- A: Yes, it could be a basis hypothetically, Non-consensual contact may be made with either a person or that person's extended personality, The example I recall from school was that of a plate being taken by force form someones hands. Another common example is a necklace another object extending the personality of the person.
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