Rich Nagle
Claimed Lawyer ProfileQ&A
Practice Area
- Medical Malpractice
- Birth Injury, Medical Misdiagnosis, Pharmacy Errors, Surgical Errors
Jurisdictions Admitted to Practice
- Maryland
- Supreme Court of Maryland
- ID Number: 9706250328
Professional Associations
- Virginia State Bar  # 34265
- Member
- Current
Legal Answers
11 Questions Answered
- Q. Elderly relative neglected in hospital, severe bed sores worsened by surgery, seeking advice.
- A: You may well have a case. Contact my firm or another med mal attorney in Va for a cost free review.
- Q. What options do I have if my provider was supposed to remove a problematic organ but missed a piece and I'm in pain?
- A: Yes. You may well have a claim. You should contact a medical malpractice lawyer for a free consult. I would be happy to have my firm assist you.
- Q. Need a medical malparatic lawyer bad surgery in VA
- A: Please submit your info at www.TrialHawk.com and we will contact you promptly.
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