Michael J. Meiners, P.C. is an affiliated firm of Financial Plans & Strategies operated by attorney Michael Meiners. We focus on estate planning and the preparation of estate planning documents. The firm uses proper titling and beneficiary designations for assets and trusts and transfer on death deeds to avoid probate when feasible, but the firm can deal with probate issues when necessary. It also prefers to avoid legal guardianships through the use of general durable and health care powers of attorney, but can deal with guardianships if necessary.
Michael J. Meiners, P.C. can prepare any of the following legal documents to meet your estate planning objectives:
Simple wills
Wills with testamentary trusts
Living trusts
Credit shelter trusts
Qualified Terminable Interest Property (QTIP) trusts
Special needs trusts (Gifts to minors, etc.)
Personal residence trusts
Irrevocable life insurance trusts
Charitable trusts
Living wills
Durable powers of attorney for health care
General powers of attorney for business
- Estate Planning
- Indiana
- Indiana University Maurer School of Law
- J.D.
- Indiana State Bar
- Member
- Current