Michael A. Klitzke
Mr. Klitzke handles Auto Fraud and Lemon Law cases throughout California.
Meet Michael A. Klitzke, a distinguished attorney with a passion for justice and a focus on Auto Fraud and Lemon Law cases across California. Graduating summa cum laude from Thomas Jefferson School of Law in 2014, Mr. Klitzke's academic excellence was matched by his active involvement as an Editor for the Law Review and a National Competitor for the Mock Trial Team.
Prior to establishing Auto Law, Mr. Klitzke honed his skills at the Auto Fraud Legal Center from 2015 to 2023, representing numerous individuals and entities in state and federal courts throughout California. His expertise in the field has earned him a stellar reputation.
One of Mr. Klitzke's most prominent cases, Pulliam v. HNL Automotive, Inc., 13 Cal.5th 127 (2022), serves as a testament to his legal prowess. The groundbreaking ruling by the California Supreme Court required a finance company to pay all attorney fees incurred in addition to facilitating the buyback of a 2015 Nissan Altima, thereby enabling consumers to seek legal representation without significant upfront costs.
Recognized for his outstanding achievements, Mr. Klitzke has received notable awards such as the 2022 Best of the Bar, honoring one of the top 100 verdicts in California that year. He has also been recognized as a Super Lawyers Rising Star from 2020 to 2023 and featured in the prestigious Who's Who in America for the State of California in 2020.
With a passion for legal scholarship, Mr. Klitzke has contributed to various publications. Notably, he co-authored an article on the implications of Sanchez v. Valencia Holding Co. in California's arbitration landscape for the Association of Business Trial Lawyers. Additionally, he has served as an editor for publications such as "Your Brain and Law School" by Marybeth Herald and "Drones and Targeted Killing" by Marjorie Cohn.
- Consumer Law
- Lemon Law
- Free Consultation
Contingent Fees
No out of pocket costs for case review or to start a case. Almost all cases are on a contingency fee basis, meaning you pay nothing out of pocket the entire case.
- California
- State Bar of California
- ID Number: 299765
- English: Spoken, Written
- Thomas Jefferson School of Law
- J.D. (2014)
- Honors: Summa Cum Laude
- Activities: Mock Trial, National Competitor Law Review, Editor
- State Bar of California  # 299765
- Member
- Current
- Website
- Auto Law Firm