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Kresten Hendrix

Kresten Hendrix

  • Family Law, Divorce
  • Colorado
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Lawyer Rating and Reviews
Legal Knowledge
Legal Analysis
Communication Skills
Ethics and Professionalism
Justia Lawyer Rating - 10.03 reviews
About the Justia Lawyer Rating
Craig Valentine
Craig Valentine August 2, 2023
Rating: 10 Lawyer Rating - 10 out of 10
Kresten is a lawyer I have recommended many times, and will recommend many more. His level-headed approach helps him be ready for whatever comes his way in a very tumultuous area of practice. View More
Q. How do you know this lawyer?
  • Current or Former Co-Worker/Colleague

Kresten and I have worked together in family law for years. I know his work and abilities very well.

Q. In the cases you were involved in with this attorney, which of the following apply?
  • Same Client

We have worked together representing the same clients. We have discussed these people and their cases and worked together to come up with the best ways to help them get through the hardest times in their lives.

Q. When did you work with this lawyer?
Q. Was this lawyer an effective advocate/counselor and why?

Kresten in unflappable. In the years we have worked together, I have rarely seen him get upset, angry, or surprised. He takes things in stride and continues to advance his clients' cases. This is helpful because no matter what curveball he gets thrown, he keeps a level head and keeps going.

Q. Please rate this lawyer on the following:

Legal Knowledge: Excellent

I cannot count the number of times I've been meeting with Kresten and he's had his statute book next to him ready to pull out the correct statute. He knows his stuff, but is humble enough to double check his work.

Legal Analysis: Excellent

Kresten takes the time to make sure that what he argues for his clients makes sense. If a client wants him to argue an outrageous position, he can explain it to them in a way that they usually understand why what they are saying isn't tenable.

Communication Skills: Excellent

Kresten's clients like to talk to him. Whether it is by phone, email, or text, he's available for them and ready to listen and explain.

Ethics and Professionalism: Excellent

Kresten always strives to uphold the highest standards of ethics and professionalism.

Q. For which practice area(s) would you recommend this lawyer?
All areas of family law and domestic relations.
Q. Which of the following skills does this lawyer possess?
  • Appeals
  • Arbitration
  • Business Advising
  • Client Relations
  • Collaboration
  • Dispute Resolution
  • Document Review
  • Drafting
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Financial Literacy (handling client funds)
  • Legal Research
  • Legal Writing
  • Litigation
  • Mediation
  • Negotiation
  • Oral Argument
  • Problem Solving
  • Pro Bono and Community Services
  • Project Management
  • Transactions
  • Trials
  • Use of Technology
  • Other
Q. I would recommend this lawyer to my family and friends
Chelsea Marie Hillman
Chelsea Marie Hillman August 2, 2023
Rating: 10 Lawyer Rating - 10 out of 10
Kresten's reasonable approach to family law advocacy has earned him great trust with his clients. He is invaluable with finding positions that are reasonable and digestible with the court. Kresten has an uncanny ability to really connect with people quickly, setting his clients at ease. View More
Q. How do you know this lawyer?
  • Current or Former Co-Worker/Colleague

Kresten is a current colleague of mine at Modern Family Law.

Q. In the cases you were involved in with this attorney, which of the following apply?
  • Same Client

While this isn't entirely applicable, Kresten and I are colleagues and so any client he represents my firm represents.

Q. When did you work with this lawyer?
I have worked with this attorney since around 2020 to present.
Q. Was this lawyer an effective advocate/counselor and why?

Kresten has a unique way of approaching communication and litigation. He is very firm and practical, with a focus on aligning client goals with practical strategies. Kresten's sense of humor eases the tension of many of his clients and makes him very relatable.

Q. Please rate this lawyer on the following:

Legal Knowledge: Excellent

Kresten is a valuable colleague and is always willing to propose ideas and options to assist both his colleagues and clients.

Legal Analysis: Excellent

Much like his legal knowledge, Kresten is able to analyze case law, the law, and the judicial system to propose reasonable and approachable strategies to great success with his clients.

Communication Skills: Excellent

Kresten has exceptional communication skills. He has a fun sense of humor that helps nervous clients feel at lease and his no-nonsense approach to the law allows his clients to find peace in the process and his strategies.

Ethics and Professionalism: Excellent

Kresten represents both his firm and himself ethically and professionally.

Q. For which practice area(s) would you recommend this lawyer?
I would recommend Kresten in any Domestic Relations case, including Dependency and Neglect --which is a very complicated and long process that not all family law attorneys work in.
Q. Which of the following skills does this lawyer possess?
  • Appeals
  • Arbitration
  • Client Relations
  • Collaboration
  • Dispute Resolution
  • Document Review
  • Drafting
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Legal Research
  • Legal Writing
  • Litigation
  • Mediation
  • Negotiation
  • Oral Argument
  • Problem Solving
  • Pro Bono and Community Services
  • Project Management
  • Trials
  • Use of Technology
Q. I would recommend this lawyer to my family and friends
Jandi Keum
Jandi Keum August 1, 2023
Rating: 10 Lawyer Rating - 10 out of 10
Kresten is an attorney who is willing to tackle any type of legal issue, no matter how complex or novel. Kresten is not just a zealous advocate for his clients - he is also incredibly friendly and easy to talk to, and a source of support for any client going through a difficult time. View More
Q. How do you know this lawyer?
  • Current or Former Co-Worker/Colleague

Kresten and I work together at Modern Family Law.

Q. In the cases you were involved in with this attorney, which of the following apply?
  • Same Client

Work together collaboratively in the same office, often conferring on client cases.

Q. When did you work with this lawyer?
Q. Was this lawyer an effective advocate/counselor and why?

Kresten is a knowledgeable and caring attorney who is willing to tackle any legal issue, even those initially unfamiliar. Because of this attitude, clients can depend on him even when unusual issues arise.

Q. Please rate this lawyer on the following:

Legal Knowledge: Excellent

Kresten is very knowledgeable both because he is experienced, but also because he makes an effort to stay updated on any changes in law.

Legal Analysis: Excellent

Kresten is quick to effectively and accurately grasp complex legal concepts and apply them to his clients' cases.

Communication Skills: Excellent

Kresten is easy to talk to, which is an incredible strength to have when working with family law clients going through difficult times.

Ethics and Professionalism: Excellent

Kresten cares deeply about adhering to the standards of legal ethics and professionalism. He acts with an impressive degree of professionalism when it comes to clients, opposing counsel, and judges, even in difficult situations.

Q. For which practice area(s) would you recommend this lawyer?
Family law
Q. Which of the following skills does this lawyer possess?
  • Client Relations
  • Dispute Resolution
  • Drafting
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Legal Research
  • Legal Writing
  • Litigation
  • Mediation
  • Negotiation
  • Oral Argument
  • Trials
Q. I would recommend this lawyer to my family and friends