John Byron Owens

John Byron Owens

United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
  • California
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Jurisdictions Admitted to Practice
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Professional Experience
United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
- Current
Munger, Tolles & Olson LLP
Assistant U.S. attorney
Southern District of California
Assistant U.S. attorney
Southern District of California
2010-2011: Chief, criminal division; 2008-2010: Deputy chief, major frauds section
Assistant U.S. attorney
Central District of California
Litigation associate
OMelveny & Myers LLP
Trial attorney
U.S. Department of Justice
Law clerk to Hon. Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Supreme Court of the United States
Law clerk, Hon. J. Clifford Wallace
United States Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit
Stanford Law School
J.D. (1996)
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University of California - Berkeley
B.A. (1993)
University of California - Berkeley Logo
Professional Associations
California State Bar  # 185580
- Current
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Contact & Map
880 Front St
San Diego, CA 92101
Telephone: (619) 557-5629
Fax: (619) 557-7055