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  • Business Law
  • Massachusetts, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
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Practice Area
Business Law
Additional Practice Area
  • Corporate
Jurisdictions Admitted to Practice
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U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
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Professional Experience
Ropes & Gray
Ed serves as counsel tointernational equipment manufacturers, medical device manufacturers and hardware and software developers. For Ed's clients, he secures patent portfolio protection for microprocessors, systems for semiconductor manufacturing, computer network technologies, furniture manufacturing systems, surgical instruments, orthopedic braces, radio-frequency cauterizing catheters, and speech recognition systems. He further represents them during investments, on legal opinions and on licensing. He recently wrote the chapter on open source licensing for the AUTM Licensing Manual. He has extensive experience before the Board of Appeals at the U.S. Patent Office, and has appeared in the Federal Courts to address disputes over patent rights, copyrights, trademarks and domain names. Prior to becoming an attorney, Ed worked as a hardware and software design engineer in the Digital Signal Processing Group of Raytheon's Radar System Laboratory. Before joining Raytheon, Ed worked as a hardware and software design engineer at the Benjamin Franklin Institute for Robotics and in the medical electronic division of Hewlett-Packard.
Boston College Law School
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Lehigh University
Electrical Engineering
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Contact & Map
100 Oliver Street
Boston, MA 02110
Telephone: (617) 951-7532
Fax: (617) 235-0703