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Professional Experience
- Partner
- Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP
- Current
- Current
- Unsecured Creditors Committee of Iridium v. MotorolaCo-lead partner representing creditors committee of Chapter 11 debtor in massive multi-billion lawsuit against Motorola alleging breach of contract, fraudulent conveyance, preference and breach of fiduciary duty claims in connection with development of a global satellite personal communication system.
- Current
- Aames Financial Corp. v. Wilmington Trustlead partner in successfully defending Aames Financial in connection with preliminary injunction motion seeking to prevent consummation of an Exchange Offer of subordinated debt. Successfully opposed the injunction motion at trial court and appellate level.
- Current
- Sunbeam Chapter 11 bankruptcysuccessfully represented Sunbeam in connection with automatic stay motions and motion to dismiss complaints alleging fraudulent conveyance and aiding and abetting fraud claims.
- Current
- Enron Chapter 11 bankruptcyrepresented Enron in connection with its breach of contract litigation against Dynegy which was resolved by settlement, represented Enron in connection with a preference action seeking over $900 million with respect to the Whitewing structure, which was resolved by settlement.
- New York Law School
- J.D.
- magna cum laude
- New York University
- B.A.
Websites & Blogs
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