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Practice Areas
- Antitrust Law
- Business Law
- Environmental Law
- Personal Injury
- Products Liability
- Securities Law
Additional Practice Areas
- Products Liability Counseling and Defense
- Special Investigations and Government Enforcement
- Securities Litigation and Regulatory Enforcement
- Commercial Litigation
- Litigation
Jurisdictions Admitted to Practice
- New York
- New York 1962
- U.S. Ct. App. - 2nd Cir. 1967
- U.S. Ct. App. - 3rd Cir. 1997
- U.S. Ct. App. - 4th Cir. 1986
- U.S. Ct. App. - 6th Cir. 1972
- U.S. Ct. App. - 7th Cir. 1990
- U.S. Ct. App. - D.C. Cir.
- U.S. Ct. Fed. Cl. 1971
- U.S. Ct. Mil. App. 1965
- U.S. Sup. Ct. 1971
- U.S.D.C. - E.D. Ky. 1969
- U.S.D.C. - E.D.N.Y. 1965
- U.S.D.C. - S.D. Ind. 1972
- U.S.D.C. - S.D.N.Y. 1965
- English
Professional Experience
- Of Counsel
- Chadbourne & Parke LLP
- Current
- Fordham University School of Law
- J.D
- College of the Holy Cross
- B.A
Professional Associations
- Current
- Activities: Member: New York State Bar Association; American Bar Association; Federal Bar Council; Mediation Panel in the U.S. District Court – Southern District of New York Former Secretary: Military Justice Committee, Association of the Bar of the City of New York Speaker: Mr. O’Neill has conducted seminars on antitrust and dealer termination for the Firm’s tobacco, distilled spirits, leisure and office products clients
Articles & Publications
Websites & Blogs
- Website
- Website
Contact & Map