Practice Areas
Business Law
Intellectual Property
Additional Practice Areas
  • General Civil
  • Litigation
Professional Experience
University of Virginia School of Law, Harry S. Truman Scholar, Recipient of University of Virginia's Most Distinguished Student Award, 1983
J.D.Dillard Fellow (Taught Legal Research and Writing)
Placeholder image for education.
University of Virginia, Phi Beta Kappa, Omicron Delta Kappa, Harry S. Truman Scholar
B.A.With High Distinction
Placeholder image for education.
Twice named as among the one hundred and ten top Internet and E-Commerce Lawyers in the U.S. by Law Business Research
Association of the Bar of the City of New York, 1999-2002, Computer Law Committee
Websites & Blogs
Contact & Map
425 Lexington Avenue
New York, NY 10017
Telephone: (212) 455-2935
Fax: (212) 455-2502