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Practice Area
- Business Law
Additional Practice Area
- Commercial Litigation
Jurisdictions Admitted to Practice
- Alaska
- Massachusetts
- New York
- Alaska Federal District Court
- Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals
Professional Experience
- Attorney at Law
- Lane Powell PC
- Current
- Boston University School of Law
- J.D. cum laude
- Yale University
- B.A. with distinction
Professional Associations
- Current
- Activities: Treasurer, Anchorage Association of Women Lawyers, 2007-2008
- Current
- Activities: Board Member, Anchorage Association of Women Lawyers
- Current
- Activities: Member, Alaska Bar Association, Torts Section
- Current
- Activities: Member, Anchorage Bar Association
- Current
- Activities: Volunteer, Alaska Legal Services, Attorney of the Day Program
Websites & Blogs
- Website
- Website
Contact & Map