Nickel and diming and wasting time and making us chasing down information that they needed.
Mr. Tisdale took advantage of our case. When we asked where they were at with the case we charged but we continued to be misled. When we had mediation Mr. Tisdale booked himself before the mediation was supposed to be finished and I had to finish it on my own.
We were lied to several times. We were told that the once we got to mediation there was no major charges after that and yet there was more than 2000 dollars worth of charges. 12 times we were charged for the IWO, which is the form that
determines you paying child support. Keep in mind we mediated and sign mediation in June of 2024 and still were waiting on paperwork in December. They have a website that you are supposed to ask questions through but it would not work no matter what I did to use it and they knew it, but they would send paperwork to it and not tell me about it. So I would be sitting waiting on paperwork and they would have sent it to the website. I had to ask for my bills every month and they charged me for it till I got mad enough they final took some of it off. Did the lawyer provide satisfactory legal services? No, he provided the minimum amount services he could do and get away with it while dragging it out so he could charge me as long as he could. He did not answer emails or would not talk to us until we threatened to put a stop payment on the automatic payment that we paid every month. We had been waiting since June for the mediation paperwork and they had not gotten it from my ex wives lawyer? Did the lawyer resolve your issue? Me and my wife now are working with my ex wife mainly due to the lawyer not helping us. I had to get the final papers and send them to Mr. Tisdale so he could look them over and then charge for that and then tell me that it was the wrong child support orders even though he had my divorce papers.
Did the lawyer keep you informed and up to date? No, we had to reach out to them for everything. They drug their feet. This case lasted over a year. Mediation would have been in May but Mr. Tisdale said they never received and email from my ex wife's lawyer so it was pushed to June. Every time we called for an update we were charged, and then when they sent us an updated they charged us again.
Was the Lawyer courteous and professional? Mr. Tisdale kept himself out of it until I got angry. He refused to answer emails claiming that he thought someone else was going to answer them and when no one did he just left it with nothing.
Was the lawyer caring and empathetic? No, my sister died in October, and Grandma died in December. Instead of wrapping this up he continued to drag it out. He sent me a letter of closing that he charged me 250 dollars for. I had get the final papers for him from my ex wife while I was sitting next to my dying Grandma because he apparently could not. This was not the only case he messed up for us.
My wife hit a cow. We were suing the owner. You only have 2 years to do so. They sent a letter to the owner, and one to the lawyer. They did not look into any of the information we sent in. They waited till less than a month before the 2 years was up knowing my sister had died and then sent us a letter that said they didn't have resources to keep the case going. My sister had died the week before. Taking care to get my sisters boys situated, their 15 and 17 I did not have time to find another lawyer. With Mr. Tisdale it is just one thing after another.
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