David Armitage
Atlanta, GA Lawyer with 48 years of experience
(404) 572-6675
One Atlantic Center - Fourteenth Floor
Atlanta, GA 30309
University of Michigan Law School
Angela Jacolyn Armitage
El Segundo, CA Lawyer with 30 years of experience
Medical Malpractice and Products Liability
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles
Aurora, CO Lawyer with 30 years of experience
Divorce, Family and Personal Injury
Jonathan David Nik
Inglewood, CA Lawyer with 8 years of experience
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles
Nikalous O. Armitage
Spokane, WA Lawyer with 16 years of experience
Landlord Tenant, Personal Injury, Real Estate and Workers' Comp
Michael Leighton Armitage
El Segundo, CA Attorney with 37 years of experience
Tulane University School of Law, Tulane University School of Law and Tulane Univ Law School
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Nik Zitev
Norristown, PA Lawyer with 8 years of experience
Business and International
Villanova University School of Law
Business litigation lawyer, Nik Zitev focuses his practice on complex commercial, business and international matters. His experience includes large scale business control disputes, fiduciary and director liability, arbitration, and international disputes involving individuals and corporations. Nik’s international background provides a foundation to quickly adapt to diverse teams and shifting circumstances to provide a broad and deep understanding of critical issues in resolving disputes and efficiently promoting client’s business interests.
Prior to joining High Swartz in November 2018, Nik represented clients as a litigation attorney at a prominent international law firm with offices in Philadelphia, Pa., and Moscow, Russia. Nik obtained his...
Claimed Lawyer Profile
Nik Geranios
Missoula, MT Lawyer with 29 years of experience
Free ConsultationBankruptcy, Consumer, Elder and Estate Planning
I did not grow up dreaming of being an attorney. I decided to become one after my parents were involved in a frivolous and expensive lawsuit that wreaked havoc in their lives. I was unhappy with the aloof and unresponsive legal representation they received. My family’s hard-earned money was flowing into the lawyer’s coffers, and he acted like he was doing my family a favor. I never wanted to feel that helpless again. So I applied to law school.
My mother raised me as a single parent for much of my childhood and struggled to make ends meet. I can appreciate...
Erika Armitage Kelton
Washington, DC Lawyer
Business, Health Care, Social Security Disability and Tax
University of California, Berkeley School of Law and UC Berkeley School of Law Boalt Hall
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Brian McEwing
PHILADELPHIA, PA Attorney with 16 years of experience
Administrative, Environmental, Insurance Claims and Insurance Defense
Rutgers University - Camden
Brian received his bachelor's degree in political science from Rutgers University College Camden where he graduated summa cum laude, earning the Jack Marvin Weiner award and the Armitage award for highest overall grade average. He graduated from Rutgers School of Law Camden in 2008. While in law school he performed pro bono work for the Community Dispute Resolution Pro Bono Mediation Project and completed a pro bono research project for a local maritime non-profit.
Brian has over twenty years experience as a licensed mariner and over fifteen years in marine management positions, including Port Captain. He has extensive experience in...
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Justyna Kolesnik-Kijewska
Koszalin, zachodniopomorskie Lawyer
Zwyci?stwa 152
Business, Divorce and Family
Radca prawny Justyna Kole?nik w 2011 roku uko?czy?a wy?sze studia prawnicze na Uniwersytecie im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu na Wydziale Prawa i Administracji. W 2013 rozpocz??a aplikacj? radcowsk? przy Okr?gowej Izbie Radców Prawnych w Koszalinie, któr? zako?czy?a w 2015 roku. W 2016 roku przyst?pi?a do egzaminu zawodowego, który zda?a z wynikiem pozytywnym i w czerwcu 2016 roku zosta?a wpisana na list? radców prawnych prowadzon? przez Okr?gow? Izb? Radców Prawnych w Koszalinie uzyskuj?c w ten sposób tytu? zawodowy radcy prawnego.
Posiada kilkuletnie do?wiadczenie prawnicze zdobyte w kancelarii radcowskiej specjalizuj?cej si? w licznych ga??ziach prawa. Posiada do?wiadczenie w kompleksowej obs?udze podmiotów gospodarczych, w...
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J.J. Thompson
Spokane, WA Attorney with 16 years of experience
Free ConsultationInsurance Claims, Nursing Home, Personal Injury and Products Liability
Gonzaga University School of Law
J.J. practices law throughout the State of Washington and North Idaho. His practice involves representing injured individuals and families who were injured or harmed by other people, corporations, or governmental entities.