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Daniel Hong Deng
Claimed Lawyer ProfileOffers Video ConferencingSocial Media
Daniel Hong Deng
Rosemead, CA Lawyer with 26 years of experience
(626) 280-6000 2112 Walnut Grove Ave
Rosemead, CA 91770
Offers Video ConferencingVideo ConfCriminal and Personal Injury
Whittier Coll School of Law and Whittier Law School
邓洪律师從社工、記者到律師,精通國、粵、英語,是美国專精刑案的三語刑事律師以及重大伤亡事故理赔专家。現為聯邦法院、加州最高法院、上訴法院及高等法院出庭律師, 曾担任过洛杉磯警察局華人顧問委員會創會理事、曾受訓於康州警政署李昌鈺刑事偵查高級培訓班、新奧爾蘭警局刑事培訓班、著有《神探 李昌鈺破案實錄》、《美國生活實用法律手冊》、《美國小額法庭 DIY》、《美國交通法律手冊》等書。邓洪律师事务所目前是美国最大的华人律师事务所之一,专注于刑事辩护和重大事故保险索赔,曾受理了几起重大事故,包括南加州大学中国学生被谋杀案、旧金山亚航飞机坠毁案、塞班岛航班坠毁案以及南加州大学校护士性侵犯案等案件。 位于南加州地区的邓洪律师事务所专精个人伤害案件,包括车祸、卡车事故、场所责任和错误死亡。此外,还涉及酒后驾车、毒品犯罪、大麻法律、家庭暴力、盗窃等刑事案件。如果您因他人的过失而受伤,或者面临刑事指控,您的未来结果将取决于接下来的法律斗争。请联系邓洪律师事务所就案件进行评估。 邓洪律师还在美国全力推动普法及华人参政,他在油管设立的《邓洪说法》为在美华人介绍及解读最新的美国时政亲闻 邓洪律师事务所 2112 Walnut Grove Ave, Rosemead, CA 91770 (626) 280-6000 During his 18+ years as an attorney, Mr. Deng has handled thousands of criminal cases, traveled to more than 200 prisons throughout the United States, and been to hundreds of major accidents. Mr. Deng is currently one of the largest Chinese law firms in the United States, with ten American partners, specializing in criminal defense and major accident insurance claims, and has handled cases including the murder of Chinese students at USC, the Asiana Airlines plane crash in San Francisco, the Saipan airliner crash, and the sexual assault case of a...
Daniel Hong Tejumson
SAN FRANCISCO, CA Lawyer with 5 years of experience
(310) 612-1509 867 FELL ST UNIT E
UCLA School of Law