Texas CBAR

About Texas CBAR

Who We Are
Texas Community Building with Attorney Resources (CBAR) is the only project of its kind in Texas. Our mission is to provide free legal resources and business law services to organizations working to improve the quality of life in low-income neighborhoods. Texas CBAR was founded in 2000 with the support of the Texas Bar Foundation, and continues as a successful program thanks to the support of law firms, corporate legal departments, hundreds of volunteer attorneys and numerous other funders and participants.

Texas CBAR's Mission and Values

We support the development of community infrastructure by providing expert legal resources to nonprofits and small businesses.

We fulfill this mission by:
-providing pro bono referrals and direct services to nonprofits and microentrepreneurs, especially in underserved areas, for non-litigation legal matters;
-supporting volunteer attorneys to help ensure the referrals are successful;
-offering legal workshops, on-line resources, and publications on important legal issues affecting nonprofits and microentrepreneurs; and
-collaborating with strategic partners to address systemic legal barriers to community development in low-income communities.

We guide ourselves by the following values:
-We are dedicated to enhancing the quality of life of Texas' low-income neighborhoods and communities.
-We strive to serve nonprofits and micro entrepreneurs that provide innovative and effective solutions to improve the quality of life in low-income communities.
-We recognize and appreciate the importance of volunteers and investors to the success of our organization.
-We recognize that nonprofits build essential infrastructures which, in relationship with the public and private sectors, provide low-income families with opportunities to transition out of poverty.
-We strive to make pro bono services rewarding and fulfilling for our attorneys.

Legal Services Provided
Business Law
Websites & Blogs
Texas C-Bar Website
Contact & Map
4920 N. IH-35
Austin, TX 78751
Telephone: (512) 374-2712
Toll-Free: (800) 369-9270 ext. 2712
Fax: (512) 447-3940