San Francisco County ACCESS Center

About San Francisco County ACCESS Center

About this Organization: ACCESS helps people who need legal information but do not have lawyers. We can help you with: small claims, civil harassment restraining orders, evictions, name changes, name and gender changes, and guardianships. We cannot help with criminal cases, immigration, and bankruptcy. The ACCESS Center can: (1) give you information in many languages and help you understand your legal options, (2) help you represent yourself, (3) help you fill out legal forms, follow court procedures, find resources or a lawyer, and (4) Show you how to research the law. You don't have to pay anything to use the center. But, you have to pay for copies and court filing fees. If you are low income, you may be able to file for for free. If you have an attorney, ACCESS cannot help you.
Schedule: Tuesday-Friday 8:30am-12pm, Monday and Wednesday 1:30-4pm.

Legal Services Provided
Consumer Law
Criminal Law
Family Law
Personal Injury
Real Estate Law
Small Claims
Websites & Blogs
San Francisco County ACCESS Center Website
Contact & Map
400 McAllister St
Room 509
San Francisco, CA 94102-4514
Telephone: (415) 551-5880
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