Neighborhood Legal Services, Inc.

About Neighborhood Legal Services, Inc.

Counties Served:

Case Types:
AIDS/HIV, Bankruptcy, Custody, Dissolution of Marriage, Domestic Violence, Education, Elder Law

Case Restrictions:
Family law cases must have element of abuse

Neighborhood Legal Services is a free provider of civil legal assistance for low income residents of Essex County, Massachusetts. Part of a larger national network of legal services providers, NLS helps our area's low income residents with legal problems involving access to housing, access to public assistance, employment rights, discrimination, elder law, domestic violence and family law, and economic development of our area's low income communities.

Legal Services Provided
Civil Rights
Criminal Law
Education Law
Elder Law
Family Law
Health Care Law
Websites & Blogs
Neighborhood Legal Services, Inc. Website
Contact & Map
181 Union Street
Suite 201
Lynn, MA 01901
Telephone: (781) 599-7730