Legal Services for New York City Bankruptcy Project

About Legal Services for New York City Bankruptcy Project

About this Organization:
The New York City Bankruptcy Assistance Project (NYC BAP) provides free legal assistance to low-income New Yorkers who are either considering bankruptcy, or have already filed a case and have a legal problem. For assistance, you must live in New York City, and be low-income. Our definition of "low-income" is 200% of the Federal Poverty level?about $1,600 per month gross income for a family of one; about $3,200 per month for a family of four. We consider other factors as well. Call us if you think you might qualify for services. We can usually tell you over the phone if you qualify.

Websites & Blogs
Legal Services for New York City Bankruptcy Project Website
Contact & Map
350 Broadway
6th Floor
New York, NY 10013
Phone: 646-442-3630