Deep East Texas Area Agency on Aging

About Deep East Texas Area Agency on Aging

About this Organization:
The Area Agency on Aging of Deep East Texas is a visible advocate and leader in a 12 county area in providing for a comprehensive and coordinated continuum of services and opportunities so that older adults can lead dignified, independent, and productive lives. The Area Agency on Aging of Deep East Texas is part of a network of 670 Area Agencies on Aging nationwide and one of 28 in the State of Texas dedicated to addressing the needs of older adults and their caregivers. The Area Agency on Aging invests federal Older Americans Act funds to areas of documented need and develops financial agreements with local agencies to provide services to people ages 60 and older on a contribution basis.
Services provided for senior residents of Angelina, Houston, Jasper, Nagodoches, Newton, Polk, Sabine, San Augustine, San Jacinto, Shelby, Trinity, and Tyler counties.

Legal Services Provided
Civil Rights
Consumer Law
Elder Law
Employment Law
Health Care Law
Immigration Law
Public Benefits
Websites & Blogs
Deep East Texas Area Agency on Aging Website
Contact & Map
210 Premier Drive
Jasper, TX 75951
Telephone: (409) 384-5704 ext. 5258
Telephone: (1) 256-6848