Crisis Center of Comal County
The Crisis Center of Comal County was founded in 1986 as the Comal County Women’s Center. Numerous local citizens began a grassroots effort to develop an agency that would address the needs of those experiencing domestic violence. In the beginning the agency consisted of several volunteers who provided information and referral to other service providers in the area. As time passed and grant funding was obtained the agency grew to include several paid staff and an emergency shelter. During those first years many of the agency’s clients also required sexual assault services. As a result, the agency developed a sexual assault crisis services program to serve Comal County. A capitol campaign fund completed in 1994 funded a six-bedroom full service emergency shelter. Since that time the staff has grown to 19 and includes a shelter staff of 6, 3 licensed counselors, 2 legal advocates, 3 prevention educators and 2 crisis response staff members.
In 2000 the shelter was expanded to 9 bedrooms as well as new office space to provide additional services. As the number of clients increased the agency began to provide more and more services to men. As a result the agency name was changed to The Crisis Center of Comal County. In 2000 the shelter was expanded to 9 bedrooms as well as new office space to provide additional services. As the number of clients increased the agency began to provide more and more services to men. As a result the agency name was changed to The Crisis Center of Comal County. Annually, the agency provides 5,000 nights of shelter to more that 265 residents as well as 4,500 days of service to 1,000 non-resident clients. The agency also provides community education to an additional 6,500 people.Family Law
- Website
- Crisis Center of Comal County Website
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