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Professional Experience
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- Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP
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- Current
- In re Williams Securities LitigationCounsel for 13 outside directors of Williams Cos. in securities fraud class action lawsuit alleging violations of sections 10(b), 11, and 12. Settled after mediation David Nichols and Nichols Lures, Inc. v. Strike King Lure Company, Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. et al.Lead trial Counsel for Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. in patent infringement lawsuit in Federal Court in the Northern District of Texas. Obtained favorable Markman ruling, leading to settlement of the case at no cost to Wal-Mart. Does I – X v. The Gap, Inc. et al.Trial Counsel for Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. in multiple class action lawsuits in Federal and State Courts in Northern and Southern California alleging “sweatshop” labor practices in the offshore garment manufacturing industry. Successfully demonstrated that Wal-Mart did not participate in the alleged bad acts and obtained dismissal at no cost to Wal-Mart. El Paso Tennessee Pipeline, Inc. et al. v. ExxonMobil Corporation et al.Trial Counsel for ExxonMobil in case in Tarrant County, Texas alleging defense and indemnification obligations for hundreds of asbestos liability lawsuits arising out of an oil refinery purchased by ExxonMobil in Chalmette, Louisiana. Settled on a confidential basis after mediation F/P/D Master Lease, Inc. v. First Southwest CompanyLead trial Counsel for plaintiff F/P/D Master Lease, an affiliate of DLJ Real Estate Investments, Inc., in case in Dallas County, Texas alleging breach of lease against a large commercial tenant. Settled favorably at mediation. John and Alicia Lemon v. Investors Life Insurance Company of North AmericaLead trial Counsel for defendant INA Life in class action in Travis County, Texas alleging multiple causes of action arising out of failed “vanishing premium” insurance policies. Successfully defeated class certification. In re CFS Securities Fraud LitigationTrial Counsel for defendant Arthur Andersen LLP in multiple securities fraud lawsuits arising out of the demise of Commercial Financial Services, Inc. in both Federal and State Courts in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Settled on a confidential basis after mediation. Sierra Health Services, Inc. v. Kaiser Foundation HospitalsTrial Counsel for defendant Kaiser in lawsuit in State Court in California alleging fraud, negligent misrepresentation, and breach of contract arising from Kaiser’s sale of its Texas operations. Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Co. v. Ernst & Young LLPTrial Counsel for defendant Ernst & Young in case alleging professional malpractice and fraud in Dallas County, Texas. Assisted in successfully defending Ernst & Young through appeals to the Fifth Court of Appeals and Texas Supreme Court. Mitsumi Electric Company, Ltd. v. Swan Magnetics, Inc.Counsel for plaintiff Mitsumi in case brought in Federal Court in the Northern District of California alleging multiple claims and counterclaims arising out of failed delivery and ownership of technology. In re Greyhound Lines Securities LitigationCounsel for defendant Greyhound in multiple class actions brought in both Federal and State Courts in Texas alleging securities fraud. Successfully defeated class certification. Resource Energy Service Co. v. Kimball Natural Gas Co.Lead trial Counsel for plaintiff Resource Energy in breach of contract lawsuit brought in Dallas County, Texas involving sales and delivery of natural gas. Ventex Oil & Gas, Inc. v. Sandalwood Oil & Gas, Inc.Lead trial Counsel for plaintiff Ventex in lawsuit brought in Dallas County, Texas regarding seismic shoots and drilling rights. Eishockey-Club Nurnberg 1980 Werbe-Und Vertanstaltungs GMBH v. Dallas Stars Hockey, L.L.C. et al.Lead trial Counsel for Dallas Stars goaltender Roman Turek in breach of contract and tortious interference with contract lawsuit brought in Federal Court in the Northern District of Dallas by Mr. Turek’s former ice hockey team in Germany. Shawne Fielding and Thomas Borer v. Hubert Burda Media, Inc. et al.Lead trial Counsel for defendant Gruner + Jahr USA Publishing, an affiliate of Gruner + Jahr AG, a German magazine publishing company, in a case brought by the former Swiss Ambassador to Germany in Federal Court in the Northern District of Texas alleging defamation. MIL (Investments) SARL and Jean-Raymond Boule v. INCO Limited, International Nickel, Inc., NM Rothschild & Sons Canada Limited et al.Lead trial Counsel for defendant Rothschild Canada in securities fraud lawsuit brought in Federal Court in the Northern District of Texas. Obtained dismissal of the case against Rothschild Canada.
- Southern Methodist University
- J.D.
- Southern Methodist University
- M.B.A.
- University of Oklahoma
- B.B.A.
Speaking Engagements
- Community Involvement (September 25, 2007)
- Nuts & Bolts of Business Development (May 2, 2007)
- Pro Bono Opportunities in Dallas (July 7, 2006)
- "Practices and Procedures in Arbitration," High Stakes Arbitrations, International and Domestic. Sponsored by Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP. (Dallas, TX, September 25, 2002)
- Preparing and Defending Fact Witness Depositions (Dallas, TX, February 01, 2002)
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