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Tanya Allison Plekan

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  • Divorce, Family Law, Domestic Violence
  • North Carolina
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Lawyer Rating and Reviews
Legal Knowledge
Legal Analysis
Communication Skills
Ethics and Professionalism
Justia Lawyer Rating - 10.02 reviews
About the Justia Lawyer Rating
Sarah Price
Sarah Price September 27, 2021
Rating: 10 Lawyer Rating - 10 out of 10
Allison does a good job of presenting information to clients in ways that make sense, while also being able to answer client questions without getting off track. She has procedures in place that allow for smooth handling of client matters. She is knowledgeable, kind, considerate, and diligent. View More
Q. How do you know this lawyer?
  • Current or Former Co-Worker/Colleague

I began working with Allison in 2021.

Q. In the cases you were involved in with this attorney, which of the following apply?
  • Same Client

We are both attorneys at Plekan Law, PLLC.

Q. When did you work with this lawyer?
September 8, 2021 to present.
Q. Was this lawyer an effective advocate/counselor and why?

Allison does a good job of presenting information to clients in ways that make sense, while also being able to answer client questions without getting off track. She has procedures in place that allow for smooth handling of client matters. She is knowledgeable, kind, considerate, and diligent.

Q. Please rate this lawyer on the following:

Legal Knowledge: Excellent

Allison is well-versed in the law, and also has the resources available to enhance her knowledge and understanding.

Legal Analysis: Excellent

Allison is able to apply the law to a variety of client situations in an effort to anticipate and meet client desires/needs.

Communication Skills: Excellent

Allison is prompt in accepting and making phone calls, and is diligent about keeping in contact with clients and others she speaks with. When speaking with others, she makes the effort to make sure all parties are understanding each other.

Ethics and Professionalism: Excellent

Allison is dedicated to avoiding conflicts of interest so that she can represent her clients in a fair and ethical manner.

Q. For which practice area(s) would you recommend this lawyer?
Family Law
Q. Which of the following skills does this lawyer possess?
  • Client Relations
  • Collaboration
  • Dispute Resolution
  • Document Review
  • Drafting
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Financial Literacy (handling client funds)
  • Legal Research
  • Legal Writing
  • Litigation
  • Negotiation
  • Problem Solving
  • Project Management
  • Trials
  • Use of Technology
Q. Please provide any additional comments about this lawyer
Allison does a good job of presenting information to clients in ways that make sense, while also being able to answer client questions without getting off track. She has procedures in place that allow for smooth handling of client matters. She is knowledgeable, kind, considerate, and diligent.
Q. I would recommend this lawyer to my family and friends
Jammie Lynn Wacenske
Jammie Lynn Wacenske July 17, 2021
Rating: 10 Lawyer Rating - 10 out of 10
She is very diligent and thorough and is extremely knowledgable about the law. View More
Q. How do you know this lawyer?
  • Other

She and I met at small or solo family law practitioner social.

Q. In the cases you were involved in with this attorney, which of the following apply?
  • Same Client

She and I were co-counsel together on a complex matter.

Q. When did you work with this lawyer?
Approximately August of 2020 through approximately July 2021.
Q. Was this lawyer an effective advocate/counselor and why?

She was absolutely fantastic! She is well organized, does thorough research when needed, and she is very effective at getting the job done.

Q. Please rate this lawyer on the following:

Legal Knowledge: Excellent

She is very knowledgeable about family law and diligently researches when necessary.

Legal Analysis: Excellent

She does a great job with taking a case and applying it to relevant case law and statutes.

Communication Skills: Excellent

She is very good at setting expectations for clients and makes herself available as necessary.

Ethics and Professionalism: Excellent

She is very professional and does everything she can to assist her clients.

Q. For which practice area(s) would you recommend this lawyer?
Family Law
Q. Which of the following skills does this lawyer possess?
  • Client Relations
  • Legal Research
  • Legal Writing
  • Litigation
  • Problem Solving
  • Trials
Q. I would recommend this lawyer to my family and friends