Lack of Integrity - This review is merely a fraction of what occured
Linda White - I hired this attorney for a simple legal separation. I gave him all necessary documentation to resolve this matter fairly. He chose to submit documentation to the court without my knowledge, neglect to produce any of the documents given
to him, leave me without counsel to try another case in a local courthouse, and blatantly lie to the Office of General Council regarding the facts of this case even going so far as to have another attorney write a letter in agreement with his lies. I gave him every opportunity to correct his omissions, which would have been right thing to do and he refused to do so, ignoring my requests and stating "Your recollection and mine appear to be substantially different." I have all the documents to prove this. Given the conversations he chose to talk about in my very first meeting with him regarding his own wife and ex-wife, I should have walked away. I wish I had.