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Sharon M. Siegel
Let our family help you and your family!
Claimed Lawyer ProfileQ&A
Practice Areas
- Estate Planning
- Guardianship & Conservatorship Estate Administration, Health Care Directives, Trusts, Wills
- Probate
- Probate Administration, Probate Litigation, Will Contests
- Real Estate Law
- Commercial Real Estate, Condominiums, Easements, Eminent Domain, Homeowners Association, Land Use & Zoning, Mortgages, Neighbor Disputes, Residential Real Estate, Water Law
- Education Law
- Bankruptcy
- Chapter 11 Bankruptcy, Chapter 13 Bankruptcy, Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, Debt Relief
Free Consultation
My free consultations are usually by phone, unless there is a need to see documents.
Jurisdictions Admitted to Practice
- New York
- Croatian: Spoken
- Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law
- J.D. (1993)
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- Honors: Jacob Burns Award, Editor-In-Chief, Cardozo Women's Law Journal
- Activities: Student government, Bet-Tzedik Legal Services
- Barnard College
- B.A. (1993) | Political Science
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- Honors: Cum Laude
- Activities: Student Government, Honor Sociecty
Websites & Blogs
Legal Answers
20 Questions Answered
- Q. Can you use your security deposit to cover rent in NYS (due to COVID) if you are at the end of your lease?
- A: You can use your security to pay the rent. Technically, you are supposed to replenish it, but it is not necessary.
- Q. A lawyer representing the estate of my Fathers first wife is asking me for a death cert.-am I due any compensation?
- A: If they were legally divorced, the lawyer should have no need for a death certificate unless the lawyer is trying to claim an asset. I would not give it to the lawyer and get an explanation of why it is needed.
- Q. Grandpa recently passed away, in his will i receive all of his guns which are rifles and shotguns. Do i need a permit?
- A: I agree with my partner that you need to register a registered gun that is bequeathed to you. However, there are situations where your bequest is unregistered and this requires knowing what types of guns they are and whether you need to involve the police/ law enforcement. You must discuss this with a lawyer. Are you the executor? I suggest you work through a lawyer.
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