Russell C. Weigel III
Mr. Weigel is the president of Russell C. Weigel, III, P.A and a securities lawyer with over 25 years of legal experience. Prior to establishing the firm in 2005, for five years Mr. Weigel worked as a securities transactional and securities litigation attorney in private practice successively for two law firms where he assisted and advised on public company mergers, general corporate and securities regulatory compliance matters, defense of NYSE and SEC investigations, and prosecuted and defended securities arbitration and civil litigation matters.Between 1990 and 2001, Mr. Weigel worked for the Securities and Exchange Commission (also known as the SEC) as an enforcement attorney. Mr. Weigel supervised and conducted over 80 investigations and litigated over 35 civil injunctive and administrative proceedings nationwide on behalf of the SEC, most involving allegations of fraud, sales of unregistered non-exempt securities, or regulatory compliance violations by stock promoters, public companies, broker dealers, investment advisers, and stock transfer agents, among others. Mr. Weigel also supervised investigations and litigated cases involving securities issuers’ Ponzi schemes and false financial reporting.Prior to his SEC experience, between 1989-1990, Mr. Weigel served as a Florida assistant state attorney where he tried bench and jury trials in criminal prosecutions. Mr. Weigel is an AV-rated* securities attorney.
- Securities Law