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Practice Area
- Intellectual Property
Jurisdictions Admitted to Practice
- Massachusetts
- Massachusetts, 2000
- U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, 2001
Professional Experience
- Associate
- Ropes & Gray
- Current
- Current
- Rob's practice focuses on patent prosecution and counseling in the area of computer and information technology. He counsels clients on resolving complex patent and other intellectual property disputes, including pre-litigation defense strategies and conflict avoidance. Rob also has experience defending and enforcing patent infringement claims involving semiconductor manufacturing equipment, electronic commerce systems, and mechanical devices. Before entering private legal practice, Rob worked as a nuclear engineer for more than 10 years, where he performed thermal-hydraulic evaluations of commercial light water reactor systems during postulated accident conditions.
- Suffolk University Law School
- J.D.
- University of Massachusetts Lowell
- M.S.
- Energy Engineering
- University of Massachusetts Lowell
- B.S.
- Nuclear Engineering
Websites & Blogs
- Website
- Website
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