Rich J. Peters
Divorce and Family Law Attorneys. We Take Sides. Yours.The firm is located near downtown Phoenix. Although most of our clients come to us from Maricopa County, we are also pleased to provide legal services in the area of Divorce and Family Law throughout the state. Our goal is to provide quality legal representation to our clients and to make the unpleasant process of terminating a marriage more bearable. We strive to be caring, dedicated professionals whose idea of a successful resolution of divorce and family law matters is one which produces the best possible result for our client, at the lowest possible cost. We avoid costly and wasteful harassment tactics and aggressively resist those tactics if employed by opposing counsel. Our overriding concern is, as it should be, the best interest of our clients.
- Divorce
- Collaborative Law, Contested Divorce, Military Divorce, Property Division, Same Sex Divorce, Spousal Support & Alimony, Uncontested Divorce
- Family Law
- Adoption, Child Custody, Child Support, Father's Rights, Guardianship & Conservatorship, Paternity, Prenups & Marital Agreements, Restraining Orders, Same Sex Family Law
- Domestic Violence
- Domestic Violence Restraining Orders, Victims Rights , Victims Rights
- Google Meet
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- Zoom
- WebEx
- Free Consultation
- Credit Cards Accepted
- Arizona
- English
- English: Spoken, Written
- Attorney Owner
- R.J. Peters & Assoc., P.C.
- - Current
- Current owner and practicing attorney.
- Judge Pro Tem
- Maricopa County Superior Court
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- Associate Attorney
- Jon C. Dake and Assoc., P.C.
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- Associate Attorney
- Bellah and Harrian
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- Associate Attorney
- John T. Fields & Associates
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- Attorney Owner
- Law Office of Rich J. Peters
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- University of Arkansas School of Law
- J.D. (1992)
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- Honors: Deans List
- Arizona State University
- B.S. (1989) | Business Marketing
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- Top 10 Attorneys
- National Academy of Family Law Attorneys
- Outstanding Contributions to the Family Lawyers Assistance Project
- Arizona Community Legal Assistance Volunteer Lawyers Program
- Lead Counsel for Family Law
- Lead Counsel Review Board
- For Love of Just Award
- Arizona Community Legal Assistance Volunteer Lawyers Program
- Certificate of Appreciation
- Family Law Assistance Project--FLAP
- Arizona Association for Conflict Resolution
- Member
- - Current
- Association of Family and Conciliation Courts
- Member
- - Current
- Maricopa County Bar Association
- Member
- - Current
- Arizona State Bar  # 014601
- Member
- - Current
- W.B. Putman American Inn of Court
- Member
- - Current
- Angel Player Loses Round in Child Support Case
- Arizona Republic
- Pro Se Representation
- Arizona Community Legal Assistance Volunteer Lawyers Program
- Pro Se Representation
- Arizona Community Legal Assistance Volunteer Lawyers Program
- Pro Se Representation
- Arizona Community Legal Assistance Volunteer Lawyers Program
- Pro Se Representation
- Arizona Community Legal Assistance Volunteer Lawyers Program
- Pro Se Representation
- Arizona Community Legal Assistance Volunteer Lawyers Program
- Q. How to consent to added detail in dissolution with minor in AZ without mediation?
- A: Mediation might be a very simple method of reaching a final agreement including this term. Although I do not know who you are meeting with as a mediator, if it is with the court, they are likely to draft a consent decree for your signature at that very meeting. However, one way to avoid mediation is to draft your own consent decree of dissolution, and all other necessary documents, obtain mother's signature everywhere required, and submit to the court prior to mediation. There would be no need to attend mediation if a final consent decree has been received by the court prior.
A qualified and experienced family law attorney can of course assist you in considering your options and then ... Read More
- Q. Divorce, child custody issue due to husband's instability and drug use.
- A: If you believe your daughter may be harmed if Father exercises parenting time, then YES, you need to seek temporary and/or emergency orders. Such is the quickest manner of getting to see your Judge. OR, perhaps a strongly worded letter from an experienced attorney would convince Father to make more reasonable requests.
Pursuant to Arizona law, your Judge will be required, consistent with the child's best interests, to adopt a parenting plan that provides for both parents to share legal decision-making regarding their child and that maximizes their respective parenting time. There is no way to predict exactly what a Judge will do. Your goal would be to paint an overall picture of ... Read More
- Q. Is my ex required to provide me with a copy of his medical records and doctors information?
- A: If he intends to rely on that documentation and wants the court to review that documentation to make some sort of decision in your child support matter, you must be provided copies. Please Google Arizona Rules of Family Law Procedure "Rule 49" which describes those obligations.
Perhaps a strongly worded demand letter from an experienced attorney would convince him to properly comply with his disclosure obligations.
A qualified and experienced family law attorney can of course assist you in considering your options and then getting where you need to be. Most of us offer free, 1/2-hour consultations, in which your matter can be discussed in detail. That would be a great opportunity ... Read More