Mr. Joseph Lafayette Gufford III
Mr. Joseph Lafayette Gufford III's Response: Thanks, Ms. Carrington. This was a tough haul of a case. Unfortunately, there are law firms whom dabble in the area of family law or portend to have expertise that they do not have. It is frustrating for us and makes even the most simple things, setting a final hearing, a difficult task. You’re right, they were supposed to arrange the final hearing and prepare a proposed final judgment that was acceptable. They did neither-so we took on the task.
Mr. Joseph Lafayette Gufford III's Response: Thanks for the kind words. Keeping an educated and motivated staff that doesn't move on to the next greatest thing is the key. Little to no turnover means they keep learning the law and that ultimately has a good effect on client satisfaction.
Mr. Joseph Lafayette Gufford III's Response: Thanx a bunch. Keeping up good communications is time consuming but it results in us knowing more about the case and the client knowing what's going on. Less stress for clients whom are dealing with the most stressful and complex area of the law.