Q. How do you know this lawyer?
- Current or Former Co-Worker/Colleague
For nearly 30 years I've been a colleague of Mr. Steinberg. I've observed him in hearings, making plea deals, interacting with judges in court and I've spoken with him about more indepth legal matters.
Q. In the cases you were involved in with this attorney, which of the following apply?
- Different Client, Same Side of Case
I have worked as a colleague with Mr. Steinberg, observing him in all phases of criminal defense litigation. We have worked with separate clients, always opposing the District Attorneys office. While I have seen him in courts across the State of Colorado, we frequently worked together in Denver and Arapahoe Counties.
Q. When did you work with this lawyer?
We have worked together opposing prosecutors from DA's offices across Colorado for nearly 30 years.
Q. Was this lawyer an effective advocate/counselor and why?
Tact and knowledge of the law are his strengths. He has tact which judges and DAs appreciate. You don't burn DAs and make them angry with you on future cases. You don't tell a judge he or she is wrong - you show them gently and professionally. Defense lawyers need to say and do the right thing at the right time, and Mr. Steinberg has the demeanor to make juries and judges respect and believe him. His greatest strength though is knoweldge of the law, and the ability to communicate it.
Q. Please rate this lawyer on the following:
Legal Knowledge:
I have repeatedly asked Mr. Steinberg for legal ideas in my criminal cases over these thirty years I've known him. I also visit his websites which are a great resource for clients and attorneys. Other lawyers have told me they learn from him on his websites as well. He is respected by the Colorado criminal defense legal community.
Legal Analysis:
I've met lawyers who know the law, but can't put together a defense. Mr. Steinberg shines in his ability to integrate the law with the facts of his clients' cases. This is the mark of an experienced defense lawyer, and he does it well.
Communication Skills:
Very Good
You can't become one of the most respected Colorado defense lawyers without being able to effectively communicate with judges, DAs and other defense attorneys. He is liked and respected by the legal community because he communicates well. Yet don't expect him to sugar coat your legal situation, he'll tell you straight up how he sees a case. If you just want someone to make you feel good, don't call him. He's not a therapist.
Ethics and Professionalism:
Very Good
Every criminal defense attorney in Colorado must balance ethics, professionalism, and the needs of his client's case. It is a fine line, and I think Mr. Steinberg walks that line well. If you want to win a case, like he so frequentely wins cases, you must think of ways to ethically get evidence before the judge or jury. He is creative and not afraid to do the right thing for his clients.
Q. For which practice area(s) would you recommend this lawyer?
Criminal law, criminal defense
Q. Which of the following skills does this lawyer possess?
- Appeals
- Client Relations
- Collaboration
- Legal Research
- Legal Writing
- Litigation
- Negotiation
- Oral Argument
- Trials
- Use of Technology
He gets along well with judges, their staff and District Attorneys, without compromising a client's case.
Q. Please provide any additional comments about this lawyer
I'm convinved that Mr. Steinberg is a highly skilled defense attorney. I'd call him if one of my kids was charged with a crime and ask him to represent them. After 33 years as a defense attorney myself, I can recognize the real deal and those who don't know what they are doing.
Q. I would recommend this lawyer to my family and friends