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Practice Area
- Business Law
Additional Practice Area
- Corporate
Jurisdictions Admitted to Practice
- Massachusetts
- Massachusetts, 1985
Professional Experience
- Senior Attorney
- Ropes & Gray
- Current
- Current
- Prior to joining Ropes Gray, Michael was for 12 years a senior attorney with Nortek, Inc., a $2 billion, diversified, transaction-oriented corporation. His experience at Nortek included acting as lead internal counsel on more than 20 acquisitions or dispositions of a wide variety of business units. In addition, Michael was lead internal counsel on numerous financing arrangements, and also provided general corporate advice and litigation management to Nortek’s numerous operating subsidiaries. Prior to joining Nortek, Michael was an associate in the corporate departments of two large Boston law firms.
- Stanford University
- J.D.
- Tufts University
- B.A.
- summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa
Websites & Blogs
- Website
- Website
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