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Marianne Gil-Lian

Marianne Gil-Lian

  • Family Law, Divorce
  • California
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Lawyer Rating and Reviews
Legal Knowledge
Legal Analysis
Communication Skills
Ethics and Professionalism
Rating: 10 Lawyer Rating - 10 out of 10
Marianne is bright, mature, eager to learn and extremely compassionate with her clients and teammates. View More
Q. How do you know this lawyer?
  • Current or Former Co-Worker/Colleague

Marianne is one of my most promising associate attorneys.

Q. In the cases you were involved in with this attorney, which of the following apply?
  • Same Client

I am Marianne's Managing Attorney.

Q. When did you work with this lawyer?
I currently work with Marianne.
Q. Was this lawyer an effective advocate/counselor and why?

Marianne's advocacy and care for her clients is excellent. She does her research, and uses other members of her team to bounce ideas back and forth, all to the benefit of our clients.

Q. Please rate this lawyer on the following:

Legal Knowledge: Good

Marianne has come so far in the last 18 months in her legal knowledge and is always eager to learn new things.

Legal Analysis: Very Good

Marianne is able to analyze codes and cases in a very quick and thorough way.

Communication Skills: Excellent

One of Marianne's strengths is her ability to communicate with clients and other counsel in a professional and courteous way at all times.

Ethics and Professionalism: Excellent

Marianne has very strong ethics, and encourages other to do the right thing as well, including her clients.

Q. For which practice area(s) would you recommend this lawyer?
Family Law
Q. Which of the following skills does this lawyer possess?
  • Client Relations
  • Collaboration
  • Document Review
  • Drafting
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Financial Literacy (handling client funds)
  • Legal Research
  • Legal Writing
  • Litigation
  • Negotiation
  • Oral Argument
  • Problem Solving
  • Trials
  • Use of Technology
Q. Please provide any additional comments about this lawyer
Marianne is truly a special member of my team. Her intelligence and compassion shine through on all her cases. We are so blessed to have her!
Q. I would recommend this lawyer to my family and friends