(954) 765-1900
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Leah Heather Mayersohn
Legal Knowledge
Legal Analysis
Communication Skills
Ethics and Professionalism
What Lawyers Are Saying

Jason Speer English
January 14, 2025
Leah is the real deal for someone needing a criminal defense attorney. I have always known her to be on top of any situation, organized, well-informed and well-connected. She has many talents at her disposal in representing her clients. She is tough, she is smart, she is a bad-ass!!!
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William T. Bly
January 13, 2025
Leah is at the pinnacle of her profession. She is highly regarded and respected by her peers and the judiciary. The prosecution knows she is a formidable opponent and that she will take a case to trial without hesitation if she thinks that is what serves her client best. Attorneys that don't try cases don't get excellent outcomes for their clients. Leah trys cases and as a result, she gets excellent results for her clients. She is one of the best in all of Florida.
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Zachary Divelbiss
January 13, 2025
Leah is a passionate lawyer who has incredible connections with judges and other lawyers. Her ability to get things achieved is unparalleled.
Even with simple things such as expungements, Leah and her firm goes well above and beyond. She doesn't just want the case expunged, she also gets an order from the judge that allows her to get that information removed from website and background checks. This is something that no other lawyer does or even knows how to do.
Leah is a quick to a phone cal
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Mark Stephen Schecter
January 30, 2020
Based on all the above evaluations she is clearly a "10". If I needed an attorney I would hire Leah Mayersohn!
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