Practice Area
Environmental Law
Additional Practice Area
  • Environmental
Jurisdictions Admitted to Practice
New Jersey
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New York
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Professional Experience
Schulte Roth & Zabel LLP
Adjunct Professor, New York Law School (course: Environmental Problems in Business Transactions)Faculty member, Center for Christian Studies-Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church (course: The Bible and the Environment)
New York Law School
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Rutgers University
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Speaking Engagements
"Vapor Intrusion," AIHce’08 – The American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Expo, Minneapolis, May 31–June 5, 2008 “Sure Enough: Liability Relief for Local Governments Through Bona Fide Prospective Purchaser Status,” National Brownfields 2008 Conference, Detroit, May 5–7, 2008 "Climate Change," ABA Section of Business Law Annual Review of Hot Topics in Environmental Law for Business Lawyers, Dallas, April 10–12, 2008“Doing Deals in New York Under the State’s Brownfield Cleanup Program” and “Cutting Edge Case Law, Case Studies and Performing Appropriate Testing for Vapor Intrusion at Contaminated Sites,” Sustainable Property Transactions: New Trends Developments Conference, Philadelphia, April 2, 2008 “A Thaw in the Courts: The Changing Climate for Litigating Climate Change,” 14th Annual Public Interest Environmental Conference, Gainesville, Fla., Feb. 29, 2008 “A Thaw in the Courts: The Changing Climate for Litigating Climate Change,” 14th Annual Public Interest Environmental Conference, University of Florida Levin College of Law, February 2008“A Thaw in the Courts: The Changing Climate for Litigating Climate Change,” 14th Annual Public Interest Environmental Conference, University of Florida Levin College of Law, February 2008
“Due Diligence in the Era of Climate Change,” ABA Annual Meeting, August 2007
Spoke on two panels— state brownfield programs and environmental deal killers—at National Brownfield Association’s Tri-State Brownfield Conference at New York Law School. Also served as conference host in his capacity as adjunct professor of environmental law, June 2007
“Windfall Liens” and “ Lender Liability Update,” Environmental Bankers Association-June 2007
“Redeveloping NYC Brownfields: Opportunities and Obstacles,” May 2007
Review of the New York State Brownfield Program, RTM Brownfield Conference, April 2006
“Due Diligence After AAI,” ABA Section of Business Law, 2006
“Brownfields Issues,” ABA Section on Environment, Energy and Resources, October 2006
“Vapor Intrusion: The Next Great Environmental Challenge - An Update,” AWMA Conference, September 2006
“Vapor Intrusion,” ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) presentation, 2006
“Impact of Aviall v. Cooper Industries,” BNA teleconference, 2006
Environmental Bankers Association, 2006
Chair, “Second Annual Conference on Redeveloping Brownfields in New York City: Obstacles and Opportunities,” Environmental Bankers Association of New York State Inc. and the Mayor’s Office of Environmental Coordination, 2006
New York State Bar Association, 2006
“Contaminated Property Transactions: Deal-Making and Redevelopments,” RTM Communications, October 2006
“Contaminated Property Transactions: Navigating Complex Deals,” RTM Communications, 2006 Law Reporter 870, Jan. 7, 1998
Websites & Blogs
Contact & Map
919 Third Avenue
New York, NY 10022
Telephone: (212) 756-2205
Fax: (212) 593-5955