Joshua Moudy
  • Criminal Law
  • Indiana
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Serving the Indianapolis area, Kammen & Moudy fights vigorously for the rights of those who have been charged with a crime. Their team has 50+ years of legal experience. Over the years, their hard work has led to a track record of legal success, including favorable outcomes in numerous trials. They understand that no two cases are alike, so they work tirelessly to create a legal strategy tailored to the unique circumstances of your case. Call (317) 643-6009 today and get a free consultation.

Practice Area
Criminal Law
Criminal Appeals, Drug Crimes, Expungement, Fraud, Gun Crimes, Internet Crimes, Sex Crimes, Theft, Violent Crimes
Jurisdictions Admitted to Practice
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Professional Associations
Indiana State Bar
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Websites & Blogs
Kammen & Moudy
Contact & Map
Kammen & Moudy
135 N. Pennsylvania Street, Suite 1175
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Telephone: (317) 236-0400